File index of COM: Miscellaneous communication

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
1 22-10-1996 15 Kb. 0
The Only REAL Way to connect at 28.8 EveryTime! 
2 27-03-1997 24 Kb. 0
        ██ █ ██ █ ██ █ ██ █ ██ █  ██
        ██ █ ██ █ ██ █ ██ █ ██ █  ██
        ██ █ ██ █ ██ █    █ ██ █  ██
        ██ █ ██ █ ██ █ ██▀▀ ██ █  ██
        ██▀▄ ██▀█ ██ █ ██ █ ██▀█  ██
        ██ █ ██ █ ██ █ ██ █ ██ █  ██
        ██ █ ██ █ ██ █ ██ █ ██ █  ██
        ██ █ ██ █ ██ █ ██ █ ██ █  ██
        ██ █ ██ █ ██ █ ██ █ ██ █  ██
        ██ █ ██ █ ██ █ ██ █ ██ █  ██
        ██▄█ ██ █ ██ █ ██▄█ ██ █ ▄██▄
│ LoGiN 2 bANSiTE on CENTERLiNE 026-3892949│
3 11-12-1997 53 Kb. 0
ABNDoor v3.12 *** ═══════╕
│                                     │
│De ABNDoor is een RA 2.xx            │
│compatible DOOR om de ABN lijst      │
│te kunnen tonen aan de gebruikers.   │
│De ABN lijst bevat meer dan          │
│1000 aktive BBSen binnen Nederland.  │
│Ook geschikt voor systemen die       │
│de DORINFO?.DEF file ondersteunen.   │
4 28-09-1996 689 Kb. 0
Blue Wave Offline Mail Reader/386 v2.30.
A Blue Wave and QWK-compatible offline
mail reader which offers the utmost ease
of use and configurability.  This is a
32-bit DOS text mode program which works
on systems with an 80386 or higher
processor only.  Can use virtual memory
to read the largest of mail packets.
Release Date:  12 February 96 
5 04-10-1996 472 Kb. 0
Blue Wave Offline Mail Reader/DOS v2.30.
A Blue Wave and QWK-compatible offline
mail reader which offers the utmost ease
of use and configurability.  This is a
16-bit DOS text mode program which works
on systems ranging from XTs to the
Intel Pentium and compatibles.
Release Date:  12 February 96 
6 21-04-1996 205 Kb. 0
COMMO} 6.6 - High-performance DOS terminal
program, also excellent under Windows and
OS/2.  Chosen by professionals for it's
speed, reliability and versatility.  Easy,
comprehensive macro programming language
addresses almost any communications need.
{COMMO} is very friendly to the visually
impaired.  This release features refinements
to existing features and many technical
improvements.  Shareware. 
7 14-01-1997 377 Kb. 0
PortMaster Detect Com ports & IRQs used,
conflicts & ports that can't generate IRQs.
Supporting utilities solve many problems. -
New in 4.2 - Modem Speeds are Reported! - Run
"PortInfo /L" or PortMaster from DOS to find
most modem installation & setup problems. All
Com ports with working modems are clearly
identified. Additional Windows setup tests
for registered users. 
8 07-11-1996 4 Kb. 0
USR Announces Officially for the FIRST TIME:
 56k Modems Over standard Phone Lines!!!!
 Available as an Upgrade SOON!!(jan '97)
 Snapped DIRECT from the USR UK BBS by Turbo! 
9 27-01-1999 6 Kb. 0
Dynalink Modem drivers voor Windows 95
(rev. 3.1) ook 33K6! Rechtstreeks
vanaf internet-website. 
10 16-04-1997 332 Kb. 0
DownLoad Tracker for DOS v3.0 - A must have
for all downloaders from BBS/Internet. Locate
any download even if filename or location is
unknown. Auto entry takes all the hassle out
of entering details including auto extraction
of long description from FILE_ID.DIZ and
archive details. All you do is add short
description and category. Now processes self-
extracting EXE files. 
11 15-07-1996 692 Kb. 0
F.I.P.S. Windows 95 / Windows NT
=  Public Beta-Release V0.92  =
│ Der ultimative Point-Mailer  │
│   fuer Win95 oder Win/NT     │
│ Komplettes Point-Paket mit   │
│ EMSI-Mailer, 32Bit Tosser    │
│ und farbigem Mailreader.     │
│ Ausführliche, deutsche       │
│ Online-Hilfe, einfaches      │
│ Setup. Optimierter 32Bit     │
│ C++ Code, komplett multi-    │
│ threaded ! Kompletter Node-  │
│ listen/NodeDiff und File-    │
│ listen Support !             │
│  >>     Jetzt mit       <<   │
│  >>  ISDN CAPI Support, <<   │
│  >>  Scheduler u.v.m    <<   │
╞>Shareware with free Upgrades<╡
12 15-07-1996 21 Kb. 0
F.I.P.S./32 für Win95/WinNT
Fido Integrated Point System
(c) 1995 by J.Weinzierl & O.Weindl
Anleitung im ASCII-Format. 
13 05-08-1996 296 Kb. 0
FSLOGIN v2.22 <ASP> Full Screen Login for
Novell NetWare. Full Screen Login is a login
utility for Novell NetWare users. FSLOGIN
provides a userfriendly, menu driven
interface to guide the user through the login
process. New in this version is the enhanced
NDS search feature which makes it even more
easier for users to login. 
14 17-03-1997 1034 Kb. 0
Go-Get-It! 1.1 for Windows 3.1/95/NT
An Internet Personal Intelligent Agent
performing exhaustive, precise and
ultra-fast search of the internet using a
combination of keyword search, usenet
newsgroups search and various search
engines. Automatic retrieval of all found
web pages and information and optionally
stored in seperate folders to be used
later <ASP> 
15 16-06-1996 357 Kb. 0
1-Step High Quality FAX ver. 5.1. produces
and send letter-quality FAXes in one step.
Provides a variety of type faces and type
sizes. Works w. pre-printed forms. Allows
thumb-tacking graphics like a signature or
logo. Produces a variety of image formats:
FAX-ready, PCX, DCX, TIFF. Runs on DOS or
Windows. HQ-FAX 5.0 offers these new
features: a PCL interface, FAX logging,
tracing, broadcasting, scheduling. 
16 11-07-1996 391 Kb. 0
JETBBS 5.0  -- Easy to install, easy to use,
and customizable! Put any command on any key
in any menu, and make your own menus and
commands. Supports multi-line with inter-user
chat and multitasking in the background while
you use your computer. QWK, file x-fers with
ANSI tagging, supports most doors, voting
polls, e-mail with forwarding, quoted reply,
file attachments, 8 casino games, voting
polls, ANSI-scroll-bar mail/message reader. 
17 27-03-1997 4 Kb. 0
Wie tot tien kan tellen, kan
gratis de hele wereld bellen !
   went by ¡napalm assault! 
18 27-01-1999 362 Kb. 0
LogTick 4.0 for Windows Release:4_0_1
23-MAR-96 LogTick allows the user of a
modem to keep track of the phone costs
made with the mmodem and also the
variable Internet costs (ISP). Logtick
19 01-12-1996 447 Kb. 0
MAIL_MAN  MicroMetric <ASP>: MAIL_MAN is a
Windows 3.x/wfw/95 program designed to meet
the needs of most companies and individuals
for an automated method of creating,
retrieving, and filing Phone and Email
messages of unlimited size. It will run on
a single computer, in a home or office
environment, or on a network, accessible by
a multitude of systems. 
20 10-05-1996 312 Kb. 0
ModemSta 1.9 <ASP>: Animated icon replica or
larger indicator displays of modem's front
panel. Several great 3D looks. For use with
internal, external and PCMCIA modems. Modem
initialization, logging of incoming calls and
DATA TRANSFER RATE, additional status info,
show communications settings, generation of
sounds at comm events. Also parallel ports.
Win3/Win95. Shareware US$15. 
21 19-06-1997 76 Kb. 0
WinFOSSIL for Windows NT v1.00 BETA 3 ]─┐
│ BETA version of 32-bit FOSSIL driver for 
│ Windows NT 4.0.  Dramatically improves   
│ transfer speeds for FOSSIL-aware         
│ software running under Windows NT.       
│ Now includes VMODEM support.             
│                 SHAREWARE                
└─────────── $25.00 Registration! ──────────┘ 
22 11-12-1997 119 Kb. 0
Obbsl V2.1 rev 27
Een utility om de diverse Nederlandse BBS
Lijsten en de Nodelisten in 1 DBase III
compatible database bestand te combineren.
Hiermee kan je dus een "compleet" overzicht
van alle in de diverse lijsten aanwezige
Nederlandse BBS'en krijgen. Deze nieuwe
revisie kan nu zelf uit de database een
lijst van lokale BBS'en genereren of een
lijst van alle BBS'en die in de database
23 01-02-1996 33 Kb. 0
ONEFOSsil Revision 7, versatile single port
FOSSIL 5 compatible communications driver for
MS-DOS based software under DESQview, or
Windows operating systems.  ONEFOSsil can
support multiple ports and shared IRQs
Shareware: $10.  Written by Carl Morris,
published by Morris Softronics. 
24 27-03-1997 8 Kb. 0
Gratis Post versturen.
went by ¡napalm assault! 
25 11-12-1997 36 Kb. 1
ABNRead v1.02 *** ══════╕
│                                   │
│ABNRead is een offline database    │
│reader voor de ABNLijst onder OS/2 │
│text modus en DOS.                 │
│De ABNLijst bevat meer dan 1000    │
│aktieve BBSen binnen Nederland.    │
26 04-07-1997 23 Kb. 0
ABNRead v1.01 *** ══════╕
│                                   │
│ABNRead is een offline database    │
│reader voor de ABNLijst onder OS/2 │
│De ABNLijst bevat meer dan 1000    │
│aktieve BBSen binnen Nederland.    │
27 17-03-1997 874 Kb. 0
Stay Connected! 1.2 for Windows 95/NT
Unlimited Internet access? Not! This
program keeps Internet Service Providers
(ISP) from dropping your Internet
connectivity after certain period of
inactivity (usually 15 minutes). The
program keeps the internet connection
alive by sending/receiving packets to
a host at a specified interval. Runs in
traybar. Full automated. <ASP> 
28 22-10-1996 4 Kb. 0
 ░░   Speed-it v1.0       ░░
 ░░ Speed-it will convert ░░
 ░░ your 28k8 to a 33k6   ░░
 ░░ It really WORKS       ░░
 ░░                       ░░
 ░░   ADVANCE 1995        ░░
 ░░   !!!!!!!!!!!!        ░░
 ░░   28k8--->33k6        ░░
 ░░                       ░░
 ░░                     Tp░░
┌── Sovereign of Darkness ──┐
└──────── IsTanBuL ─────────┘ 
29 03-07-1996 175 Kb. 0
TERMINATE 4 >======------
-         The Final Terminal          -
-       Documentatie in Nederlands    -
30 27-01-1999 632 Kb. 0
Wintel32 is een 32 bits communicatie
programma. Het is voorzien van een
uitgebreide handleiding. Het programma
werkt alleen onder windows 95 
31 19-06-1997 56 Kb. 0
WinFOSSIL v1.12 ]──────────────┐
│ 32-bit FOSSIL driver for Windows 95.     │
│ Dramatically improves transfer speeds    │
│ FOSSIL-aware software written running    │
│ under Windows 95.  Includes support for  │
│ FOSSIL-aware 32-bit applications such as │
│ Binkleyterm-32! SHAREWARE                │
└─────────── $15.00 Registration! ─────────┘ 
32 13-12-1999 133 Kb. 0
X.00 A Low Level Serial I/O Communications
Driver for MS DOS and like Operating Systems. 

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