File index of LIN: Various source files

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
201 osec10.tbz 19-05-2004 23 Kb. 0
Osec (Our Security) is a lightweight 
202 p3pmail.tgz 17-03-2004 2 Kb. 0
p3pmail will remove dangerous HTML tags from
email messages to make them sa 
203 pal030.tgz 10-11-2003 74 Kb. 0
pal is a commandline utility which displays a 
204 pasmal11.tgz 17-05-2004 40 Kb. 0
pasmal is a TCP/IP packet 
205 pccc221.tgz 12-04-2004 1101 Kb. 0
PG Calculator is a scientific calculator which
offers a customizable user i 
206 pcps321.tgz 28-03-2004 254 Kb. 0
procps is a package of utilities which includes
ps, vmstat, top, w, skill,  
207 pdc060.rar 25-10-2002 12 Kb. 0
PDC is a desktop calculator in the 'bc'
style with features designed for
programmers. It does not support floating
point math, but does provide all the C
operators (logical, bitwise, shifts, etc.)
and implements ISO C operator precedence.
Additionally, functions are available to
assist with 'bit bashing' tasks such as byte
swapping and bit scanning. 
208 pdmu1285.tgz 12-06-2004 145 Kb. 0
Pdmenu is a full screen menuing system 
209 pkdmp33.tgz 29-05-2004 18 Kb. 0
pkdump detects TCP and UDP port scans and
connection attempt from foreign 
210 10-11-2003 290 Kb. 0
Plucker is an offline Web and eBook viewer
for Palm OS-based handheld devices and PDAs.
It comes with Unix/Linux tools and conduits,
and Windows and Mac OS X conduits that let
you decide exactly what part of the Web you
want to view on your PDA (as long as it's in
standard HTML or text format). The requested
Web pages are processed, compressed, and
transferred to the PDA for viewing by the
Plucker viewer. 
211 pmem1.tgz 20-05-2004 1 Kb. 0
pmem (Process Memory Information) is a 
212 pmem11.tgz 25-05-2004 67 Kb. 0
pmem (Process Memory Information) is a 
213 putty054.tgz 02-06-2004 880 Kb. 0
PuTTY is a free implementation of 
214 pv070.tgz 08-02-2004 125 Kb. 0
pv (Pipe Viewer) is a terminal-based tool for
monitoring the progress of da 
215 pwd2593.tgz 05-02-2004 384 Kb. 0
pwdutils is a collection of utilities to manage
the passwd and shadow user  
216 16-04-2004 394 Kb. 0
pwdutils is a collection of utilities to manage
the passwd and shadow user  
217 pyexim06.tgz 20-03-2004 20 Kb. 0
PyEximon is a GNOME monitor and manager for
Exim, the popular MTA. It inclu 
218 qcfirm12.tgz 01-12-2003 90 Kb. 0
confirm is an implementation of a delivery
confirmation process for a mail  
219 qdbm172.tgz 18-10-2003 621 Kb. 0
QDBM is an embeded database library  compatible
with GDBM and NDBM. It feat 
220 qdu222.tgz 27-05-2004 63 Kb. 0
QDU is a graphical disk usage tool. It 
221 qiv20.tgz 23-05-2004 74 Kb. 0
Quick Image Viewer (qiv) is a very 
222 qmqtool.tgz 09-12-2003 13 Kb. 0
qmqtool is a qmail queue manipulation utility
designed for viewing and 
223 qtptd041.tb2 06-12-2003 653 Kb. 0
QTParted is a Partition Magic clone. It uses
libparted for raw disk access, 
224 rdmn131.tgz 18-11-2003 9 Kb. 0
-- description missing -- 
225 rdmnd121.tgz 26-10-2003 479 Kb. 0
radmind is a suite of Unix command-line tools
and a server designed to remo 
226 re2c093.tgz 01-06-2004 169 Kb. 0
re2c is a tool for writing fast and 
227 reed54.rar 09-11-2002 32 Kb. 0
Reed is a text pager with many unique
features, such as a directory view mode,
persistent bookmarks, and autoscrolling. It
also supports standard pager features, such
as multiple buffers and POSIX regexp
      ---| Compressed With RAR V3 |--- 
228 rep222.tgz 22-05-2004 26 Kb. 0
replace provides an easier alternative 
229 repl221.tgz 25-03-2004 25 Kb. 0
replace provides an easier alternative to sed
for replacing one or more str 
230 retq023.tgz 08-02-2004 276 Kb. 0
retawq is a multi-threaded Web browser for text
terminals on computers with 
231 rkhunter1.tgz 21-12-2003 40 Kb. 0
Rootkit Hunter scans files and systems 
232 rock201.tbz 27-05-2004 1376 Kb. 0
ROCK Linux is a distribution build kit 
233 rpf121.tgz 27-03-2004 14 Kb. 0
RPM Finder is a utility that works much like the Web site. It s 
234 rtail11.tgz 12-04-2004 19 Kb. 0
root-tail is a program that allows printing of
text directly to the X11 roo 
235 rtawq25.tgz 04-05-2004 316 Kb. 0
retawq is a multi-threaded Web browser for text
terminals on computers with 
236 08-09-2002 43 Kb. 0
Rottlog is a replacement to Red Hat's
logrotate.  It has similar syntax, but more
powerful features to cut and store logs. 
237 rtt217.tgz 27-09-2003 32 Kb. 0
Ringtone Tools is a set of tools for creating
ringtones and logos on mobile 
238 runfr20.tgz 19-03-2004 393 Kb. 0
run-free is a GUI command line launcher
application. It is designed to be k 
239 rxvtu25.tbz 28-03-2004 720 Kb. 0
rxvt-unicode is a clone of the well known
terminal emulator rxvt, modified  
240 sam186.tgz 16-04-2004 892 Kb. 0
samhain is a daemon that can check file
integrity, search the file tree for 
241 sam188.tgz 27-05-2004 896 Kb. 0
samhain is a daemon that can check file 
242 samhain.tgz 09-12-2003 840 Kb. 0
samhain is a daemon that can check file
integrity, search the file tree for 
243 sb302.tb2 09-12-2003 88 Kb. 0
SiteBar is a multi-user, multi-group bookmark
server that lets users view,  
244 sercd230.tgz 21-12-2003 72 Kb. 0
sercd is an RFC 2217-compliant serial 
245 08-10-2002 14 Kb. 0
Shed (simple hex editor) is a hex editor
written for Unix/Linux using ncurses, with a
friendly pico-style interface. It shows data
in ASCII, hex, dec, oct, and binary, and
allows editing in all of these bases.
Features also include searching and dumping. 
246 shpr05.tgz 07-02-2004 26 Kb. 0
shipper is a utility to automate shipping of
open-source project releases.  
247 sign104.tgz 17-05-2004 27 Kb. 0
sign is a file signing and signature 
248 sign105.tgz 29-05-2004 27 Kb. 0
sign is a file signing and signature 
249 sim093.tgz 30-03-2004 3641 Kb. 0
SIM is multi-protocol plugin-based instant
messenger program 
250 sky041.tbz 17-05-2004 21 Kb. 0
A full screen pager for X11, not 
251 sltrk120.tgz 01-06-2004 216 Kb. 0
slacktrack is a package creation tool 
252 sn140.tgz 04-12-2003 85 Kb. 0
Snownews is a text mode RSS/RDF newsreader. It
supports RSS feeds that comp 
253 sn153.tgz 04-06-2004 120 Kb. 0
Snownews is a text mode RSS/RDF 
254 snws123.tgz 04-10-2003 57 Kb. 0
Snownews is a text mode RSS/RDF newsreader. It
supports RSS feeds that comp 
255 sp09e.rar 13-09-2003 144 Kb. 0
SpamProbe is a spam detection program
that uses a Bayesian analysis of the
frequencies of terms used in the email.
Because it filters email based on
content rather than on general rules, it
easily adapts itself to the types of
email that each individual user
normally receives.
   ---| RAR V3 Compression |--- 
256 02-12-2003 4 Kb. 0
Converts squish message base to mbox 
257 sr093.tgz 18-04-2004 38 Kb. 0
sr (search and replace) is a small and fast
search and replace utility that 
258 staf131.tgz 01-06-2004 41 Kb. 0
Executable files may be linked 
259 stat110.tgz 25-03-2004 20 Kb. 0
Executable files may be linked statically or
dynamically. Dynamically linke 
260 swen13.tgz 27-09-2003 5 Kb. 0
SwenDeleter tries to identify email messages
infected with the Swen worm in 
261 swws134.tgz 10-11-2003 66 Kb. 0
Snownews is a text mode RSS/RDF newsreader. 
262 sys504.tbz 27-05-2004 97 Kb. 0
The sysstat package contains the sar, 
263 sysfnc13.tgz 01-06-2004 36 Kb. 0
Sysfence is a Linux resource monitoring 
264 syslx208.tgz 13-12-2003 421 Kb. 0
SYSLINUX is a collection of boot loaders for the
Linux operating system 
265 sysst407.rar 16-11-2002 102 Kb. 0
The sysstat package contains the sar,
mpstat, and iostat commands for Linux. The
sar command collects and reports system
activity information. This information can
also be saved in a system activity file for
future inspection. The iostat command
reports CPU statistics and I/O statistics
for tty devices and disks. The statistics
reported by sar concern I/O transfer rates,
paging activity, process-related activites,
interrupts, network activity, memory and
swap space utilization, CPU utilization,
kernel activities, and TTY statistics, among
others. Both UP and SMP machines are fully
      ---| Compressed using RAR V3 |--- 
266 sysst501.tgz 08-02-2004 114 Kb. 0
The sysstat package contains the sar, mpstat,
and iostat commands for Linux 
267 taskbar1.tgz 09-12-2003 421 Kb. 0
taskbar is a small taskbar utility for X11. It
supports a program launcher  
268 28-03-2004 1048 Kb. 0
Thundaural Jukebox is a jukebox server and
client designed for use with tou 
269 tcptrk11.tgz 22-04-2004 103 Kb. 0
tcptrack is a packet sniffer, which passively
watches for connections on a  
270 tcron047.tbz 04-06-2004 13 Kb. 0
tcron integrates 'cron' with the ATX 
271 td20.tgz 17-05-2004 38 Kb. 0
Tile Driller is a simple paint program 
272 tea050.tbz 17-05-2004 166 Kb. 0
TEA is a modest and easy-to-use 
273 ted216.tgz 18-04-2004 2660 Kb. 0
Ted is a text processor running under X on
Unix/Linux systems, with the abi 
274 tgraf05.tgz 13-12-2003 224 Kb. 0
Tipograf is a frontend for the powerful anything
to PostScript converter 
275 tmda054.rar 06-05-2002 123 Kb. 0
TMDA is an OSI certified software
application designed to significantly reduce
the amount of SPAM/UCE (junk-mail) you
receive. TMDA combines a "whitelist" (for
known/trusted senders), a "blacklist" (for
undesired senders), and a cryptographically
enhanced confirmation system (for unknown,
but legitimate senders). 
276 tnsd22b3.tgz 12-04-2004 280 Kb. 0
TNSDrive is a system enabling a front-user end
to different information res 
277 tppl106.tgz 08-02-2004 1161 Kb. 0
Tower Toppler (aka Nebulous) is the
reimplementation an old 'jump and run'  
278 25-04-2004 499 Kb. 0
Tcpreplay is a set of Unix tools which allows
the replaying of captured net 
279 tt11.tgz 30-03-2004 326 Kb. 0
TimeTrack is a program to track time in a
modular, project- oriented way. A 
280 tty047.rar 23-02-2002 177 Kb. 0
TTY-Grin is a screen-oriented interactive
news and email client with MIME support, the
ability to browse multiple news servers, and
LISP scripting capabilities. 
281 ttywt13.tgz 23-04-2004 24 Kb. 0
ttywatch monitors, logs, and multiplexes
terminal I/O. It has full log rota 
282 txsig102.tgz 14-03-2004 27 Kb. 0
TxSig is a random signature rotator. It can
randomly pick from a directory  
283 uds103.rar 06-02-2002 176 Kb. 0
The UDS (Useful Development Stuff)
Collection is a C++ library that provides
development and debugging facilities such as
automatic searching for memory leaks and
zombie objects, backtraces at runtime, an
alternative set of function objects, classes
for reference counting, copy-on-write and
garbage collection, POSIX threads wrapper
classes, a socket API that includes support
for TCP, UDP, X.25, and Unix domain sockets,
m4 macros, and much more.
284 08-09-2002 5 Kb. 0
ue is a Linux console ASCII text editor with
the optimal mixture of code size and
functions. String search, undo, and tab
character handling are all featured in this
6.4kb screen editor. It uses the console
cursor positioning, rather than termcap or
curses. Clib is the only dependency. ue is
good for rescue disks and roll-your-own
285 27-01-2002 55 Kb. 0
userinfo is a small console utility which
shows as much information about local users
as possible. It may be useful for system
administration in shell scripts.
286 27-01-2002 58 Kb. 0
userinfo is a small console utility which
shows as much information about local users
as possible. It may be useful for system
administration in shell scripts.
287 unzip551.tgz 25-05-2004 1086 Kb. 0
UnZip will list, test, or extract files 
288 upt032.tgz 28-05-2004 298 Kb. 0
Uptimed is an uptime record daemon 
289 uptmd03.rar 06-11-2002 153 Kb. 0
Uptimed is an uptime record daemon keeping
track of the highest uptimes the system ever
had. Instead of using a pid file to keep
sessions apart from each other, it uses the
system boot time. Uptimed has the ability to
inform you of records and milestones though
syslog and e-mail, and comes with a console
front end to parse the records, which can
also easily be used to show your records on
your Web page.
        ---|Compressed USing RAR V3|--- 
290 vcinit12.tgz 22-04-2004 29 Kb. 0
Virtual Console init is an /sbin/init clone for
virtual consoles. It is ver 
291 vnstat14.tgz 27-03-2004 25 Kb. 0
vnStat is a console-base network traffic monitor
that keeps a log of daily  
292 waspect.tgz 17-05-2004 11 Kb. 0
WeatherSpect provides a reasonably 
293 22-09-2002 130 Kb. 0
WCD is a directory changer for DOS and Unix.
Another NCD (Norton Change Directory) clone.
This program jumps to a (sub)directory
anywhere in the directory-tree. The
directory to jump to can be given by only
the first characters or an expression with
294 wd109.tgz 04-12-2003 12 Kb. 0
Working Directory (wd) lets you store a handful
of commonly used directorie 
295 wget19.tgz 23-10-2003 1285 Kb. 0
GNU Wget is a utility for noninteractive 
download of files from the Web. I 
296 wmchse10.rar 08-02-2002 9 Kb. 0
Wmchoose is a simple little utility that
allows a user to select a window manager as
their X server starts up.  It is simple to
use, and simple to configure, relying on an
'rc' file in the user's home directory (an
example is packaged with wmchoose and also
available separately below.) By using an
'rc' file, wmchoose achieves the flexibility
to change according to the user's needs.  As
new window managers are made available, the
user can easily add more entries to the
wmchooserc file.
contains wmchoose_1.0_x86.tgz 
297 wtail013.rar 31-03-2002 12 Kb. 0
wtail does the equivalent of tail -f on
several files at once. The screen is split
into as many parts as there are files to
298 wwwf28a.tgz 06-12-2003 936 Kb. 0
The WWWOFFLE programs simplify World Wide Web
browsing from computers that 
299 wxht130.tgz 01-06-2004 691 Kb. 0
wxHatch is an IDE for Linux, Solaris, 
300 wzig148.tgz 07-12-2003 50 Kb. 0
Winzig is suite of a PIM style applications
written in Python/GTK. It 

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