File index of LIN: Various source files

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
101 gtdf165.rar 02-02-2002 192 Kb. 0
GtkDiskFree is a small GUI application
written with the Gtk+ library which shows
how much free space is available on your
filesystems, as well as some other
information related to the filesystem.
102 gthp240.tgz 29-05-2004 2764 Kb. 0
gThumb is an image viewer written for 
103 gxm2011.tgz 16-04-2004 84 Kb. 0
gxmessage opens a popup window to display a
message obtained from the comma 
104 hd2u08.rar 11-05-2002 29 Kb. 0
hd2u is Hany's Dos2Unix convertor, a filter
used to convert DOS-style EOLs to UNIX-style
EOLs and vice versa.
105 hd2u091.tgz 16-04-2004 49 Kb. 0
hd2u is Hany's Dos2Unix convertor, a filter used
to convert DOS-style EOLs  
106 hd2u82.tgz 04-10-2003 41 Kb. 0
hd2u is Hany's Dos2Unix convertor, a filter used
to convert DOS-style EOLs  
107 30-06-2002 24 Kb. 0
hdup is used to back up a filesystem.
Features include encryption of the archive
(via mcrypt), compression of the archive
(bzip/gzip/none), the ability to transfer
the archive to a remote host (via scp), and
no obscure archive format (it is a normal
compressed tar file). 
108 hdup163.tgz 27-05-2004 99 Kb. 0
hdup is used to back up a filesystem. 
109 hdup1630.tgz 03-05-2004 97 Kb. 0
hdup is used to back up a filesystem. Features
include encryption of the ar 
110 hght2018.tgz 08-02-2004 230 Kb. 0
Highlight is a universal source code to HTML,
XHTML, RTF, TeX, LaTeX, or XS 
111 hht2012.tgz 14-11-2003 516 Kb. 0
Highlight is a universal source code to HTML, 
112 hodie14.rar 08-02-2002 15 Kb. 0
Hodie prints the current date and time to
stdout in Roman numerals, with grammatically
correct Latin. Complete with Id., Kal.,
Non., pridie, postridie, bis, and all the
other nice annoyances. As an option, it even
provides you with current date according to
Roman calendar -- that is 'ab urbe condita';
after Rome was built.
contains hodie-1.4.tar.gz 
113 host.tgz 04-12-2003 145 Kb. 0
Host is a complete and powerful command-line
based DNS query and testing to 
114 ht075.tgz 20-03-2004 763 Kb. 0
HT is a file editor/viewer/analyzer for
executables. The goal is to combine 
115 htop031.tgz 29-05-2004 87 Kb. 0
htop is an interactive process viewer 
116 hu097.tgz 30-03-2004 24 Kb. 0
Hashed Text Utilities is a small set of programs
reimplementing the classic 
117 ifinfo85.tgz 21-12-2003 17 Kb. 0
ifinfo is a simple commandline network 
118 imms11.tgz 16-04-2004 55 Kb. 0
IMMS (Intelligent Multimedia Management System)
is an intelligent playlist  
119 int09.tgz 16-03-2004 575 Kb. 0
Interceptor is a KDE 3.1 kicker applet for
syslog monitoring and alerts man 
120 jaron21.tgz 17-05-2004 10 Kb. 0
aron is a modularized text mode screen 
121 jk06.tgz 26-04-2004 63 Kb. 0
Jailkit is a set of utilities to limit user
accounts to specific files usin 
122 06-12-2003 94 Kb. 0
JamNNTPd is a NNTP server that can serve
messages stored in a Fidonet JAM 
123 joe31.tgz 29-05-2004 372 Kb. 0
Joe is world-famous Wordstar like text 
124 k3b0103.tgz 05-12-2003 2487 Kb. 0
K3b is a CD-burning program designed for people
who are used to using Windo 
125 k3b0113.tbz 13-02-2004 3118 Kb. 0
K3b is a CD-burning program designed for people
who are used to using Windo 
126 k3b0118.tbz 30-03-2004 3141 Kb. 0
K3b is a CD and DVD burning application for
Linux systems optimized for KDE 
127 kc19.rar 16-03-2002 9 Kb. 0
keychain helps you to manage RSA and DSA
keys in a convenient and secure manner. It
acts as a frontend to SSH-agent, but allows
you to easily have one long running
SSH-agent process per system, rather than
the norm of one SSH-agent per login session.
This dramatically reduces the number of
times you need to enter your passphrase -
with keychain, you only need to enter a
passphrase once every time your local
machine is rebooted. keychain also makes it
easy for remote cron jobs to securely "hook
in" to a long running SSH-agent process,
allowing your scripts to take advantage of
RSA and DSA keys. 
128 kcd760.tgz 27-03-2004 377 Kb. 0
kcd is a directory change utility similar to
NCD. It helps you navigate the 
129 kdbg1210.tgz 23-05-2004 611 Kb. 0
KDbg is a graphical user interface to 
130 kffe042.tbz 24-03-2004 1507 Kb. 0
Kaffeine is a simple and easy to use media
player based on the xine-lib and 
131 kiso052.tgz 23-05-2004 1018 Kb. 0
A graphical frontend for KDE 3 for 
132 krp041.tgz 25-11-2003 1387 Kb. 0
133 ksmdck34.tgz 31-05-2004 960 Kb. 0
KSmoothDock is a desktop panel, similar 
134 kwcdr12.tgz 17-05-2004 9 Kb. 0
kwavencoder is a small utility to 
135 ldgr10.tgz 07-02-2004 29 Kb. 0
Ledger is a command-line accounting program,
which uses a simple text file  
136 le1111.tgz 21-05-2004 426 Kb. 0
LE has many block operations with 
137 ledger14.tgz 18-04-2004 204 Kb. 0
Ledger is a command-line accounting program,
which uses a simple text file  
138 lf1952c5.tbz 16-03-2004 361 Kb. 0
Leafnode is a USENET software package designed
for small sites, with a few  
139 lfnd1954.tgz 20-05-2004 834 Kb. 0
Leafnode is a news server, suitable for 
140 lftp302.tgz 16-04-2004 1608 Kb. 0
lftp is a sophisticated command line based file
transfer program. Supported 
141 lftp303.tbz 26-04-2004 1185 Kb. 0
lftp is a sophisticated command line based file
transfer program. Supported 
142 lftp304.tbz 27-05-2004 1187 Kb. 0
lftp is a sophisticated command line 
143 lkat140.tgz 18-04-2004 133 Kb. 0
"lookat" (or "bekijk" in Dutch) is a program to
view text files and manual  
144 lkav120.tgz 06-06-2004 68 Kb. 0
login_keepalived is a daemon that keeps 
145 ll408.tgz 14-03-2004 86 Kb. 0
Linux Logo is a small utility that displays an
ANSI or ASCII logo of the Li 
146 lms282.tgz 13-12-2003 700 Kb. 0
lm_sensors provides essential drivers for
monitoring the temperatures, 
147 lms286.tgz 08-04-2004 720 Kb. 0
lm_sensors provides essential drivers for
monitoring the temperatures, volt 
148 ltart304.rar 26-02-2002 70 Kb. 0
TaRT stands for "The Automatic Random
Tagline", a versatile, fast and feature-rich
email signature generator. TaRT features
include random taglines, optional daemon
functionality, display of current date,
custom layout of signature, and "special
date" tagline text. The command line syntax
is simple and well explained. LinuxTaRT is
designed to be run as a stand-alone daemon,
from crontab, or in your login script. 
149 13-06-2004 2 Kb. 0
Lipotell is a simple script that makes 
150 lxt11.tgz 28-05-2004 94 Kb. 0
linuXtree is an ncurses-based file 
151 lynx285.tgz 07-02-2004 2914 Kb. 0
Lynx is a fully-featured WWW client for users
running cursor-addressable, c 
152 mailf10.tgz 20-03-2004 735 Kb. 0
Mailf is a mail filter to secure maildrops while
fetching mail from a remot 
153 mcron1.tgz 12-12-2003 254 Kb. 0
Mcron is a 100% Vixie cron replacement written
in pure Guile. As well as 
154 mcron101.tgz 23-05-2004 263 Kb. 0
Mcron is a 100% Vixie cron replacement 
155 mdadm16.tgz 04-06-2004 111 Kb. 0
mdadm is a tool for creating, 
156 mdate147.tgz 27-05-2004 72 Kb. 0
Mdate is a freely-available mayan date 
157 26-01-2002 29 Kb. 0
memtime is a tool for measuring memory and
time used when executing a command. It
currently works on Linux and Solaris-7 and
it is written to be fairly easy to port to
new systems.
158 memtst31.tgz 21-03-2004 139 Kb. 0
Memtest-86 is a very thorough stand-alone memory
test for x86 and Pentium s 
159 mfdi102.tgz 27-05-2004 24 Kb. 0
Mozilla Free Desktop Integration is an 
160 mgrsc11.tgz 13-04-2004 71 Kb. 0
Magic Rescue scans a block device for file types
it knows how to recover an 
161 mj132.rar 09-02-2002 252 Kb. 2
Mah-Jong is a set of three programs
comprising a networked Mah-Jong game, a
graphical client for humans, and a basic
computer player. The game can be played by
four humans, by a human and three computer
players, or any other combination. The
version of Mah-Jong is that generally called
Chinese Classical. It should not be confused
with the solitaire games such as xmahjongg. 
162 mls12.rar 19-10-2002 38 Kb. 0
MailListStat generates useful statistics for
email archives stored in MBOX format. It
will show the top 10 authors, most
successful subjects, and more. It also
prints graphs showing the number of messages
written during different hours of the day,
days of the month, and days of the week. The
output is in text format suitable for
mailing. It is mainly useful for mailing
list archives, produces tables and graphs,
and supports different output languages
(English, Slovak, Italian, Francais,
Deutsch, Spanish, and more). 
163 mmtt8629.rar 08-03-2002 93 Kb. 0
Memtest-86 is a very thorough stand-alone
memory test for x86 and Pentium systems (and
compatibles). It currently does 11 tests to
fully determine whether you have faulty RAM
or not. 
164 mnm103.tgz 28-03-2004 172 Kb. 0
Mynetmonitor is a GTK 2 net monitor with system
tray support. It shows vari 
165 mntd034.tgz 29-05-2004 352 Kb. 0
mntd is an automount daemon and shared 
166 monit23.rar 20-04-2002 250 Kb. 0
monit is a utility for monitoring and
managing daemons or similar programs running
on a Unix system. It will start specified
programs if they are not running and restart
programs not responding. It supports a
daemon mode (poll programs at a specified
interval, and start, stop, and restart
programs), logging (syslog or your own
logfile), configuration (with a
comprehensive controlfile) runtime and
TCP/IP port checking, process status, and
timeout and alert notification. It provides
an HTTP interface. 
167 monit41.tgz 27-10-2003 416 Kb. 0
Monit is a utility for managing and  monitoring
processes, files, directori 
168 monit42.tgz 25-03-2004 425 Kb. 0
Monit is a utility for managing and monitoring
processes, files, directorie 
169 mozpl140.tgz 06-12-2003 49 Kb. 0
MozPlugger is a modification of Plugger, a very
small multimedia plugin for 
170 mp3213.tgz 19-03-2004 186 Kb. 0
Minimum Profit (mp) is a programmer's text
editor. It features small memory 
171 mp330.tgz 12-04-2004 191 Kb. 0
Minimum Profit (mp) is a programmer's text
editor. It features small memory 
172 mp3bl320.tgz 01-12-2003 305 Kb. 0
Mp3blaster is an interactive text-based program
that plays several audio fi 
173 mp3st1.tgz 17-03-2004 120 Kb. 0
MP3 STATION is a LIRC-aware, plain-text tool set
for managing MP3 playback  
174 msmtp110.tgz 27-05-2004 143 Kb. 0
msmtp is an SMTP client that can be 
175 25-04-2004 20 Kb. 0
Musicus is a command line audio player that uses
XMMS plug-ins for music pl 
176 mssys2.tgz 06-06-2004 29 Kb. 0
ms-sys is a Linux program for writing 
177 mtail32.tgz 19-05-2004 50 Kb. 0
MultiTail lets you view one or multiple 
178 mtail321.tgz 22-05-2004 50 Kb. 0
MultiTail lets you view one or multiple 
179 musig.tgz 14-03-2004 18 Kb. 0
MuseSig is an email signature generator. The
script takes an ID file (your  
180 myeric1.tgz 12-04-2004 278 Kb. 0
My Ericsson is an administration tool for the
Ericsson T39m mobile phone. 
181 mynetmonitor101.tgz 21-12-2003 170 Kb. 0
Mynetmonitor is a GTK 2 net monitor 
182 nail107.tbz 20-03-2004 151 Kb. 0
Nail is a mail user agent derived from Berkeley
Mail 8.1. It is intended to 
183 nbm072.tgz 17-05-2004 1359 Kb. 0
NoteBookManager is a program to manage 
184 nclck11.tgz 04-06-2004 21 Kb. 0
Noiseclock is a console-based program 
185 nclk1.tgz 27-05-2004 14 Kb. 0
Noiseclock is a console-based program 
186 ne130.tgz 02-04-2004 1050 Kb. 0
ne is a free text editor that runs on (hopefully
almost) any UN*X machine.  
187 ne132.tgz 19-04-2004 1051 Kb. 0
ne is a free text editor that runs on (hopefully
almost) any UN*X machine.  
188 ne133.tgz 02-05-2004 1051 Kb. 0
ne is a free text editor that runs on (hopefully
almost) any UN*X machine.  
189 26-01-2002 76 Kb. 0
" Another way to purge your mail... "
Neslie stands for (yet another) FTN Type2+
message/packet viewer.
Source code, DOS and Win32 Binaries 
190 newsd1.rar 24-03-2002 12 Kb. 0
NewsDeliver is a simple but customizable
nntp to email gateway written in Python.
When invoked (usually by a cron job), it
checks for new messages on newsgroups that
the user has marked as "watched" and emails
a copy of any new messages to the user. 
191 ntmon23.tgz 23-04-2004 35 Kb. 0
NAT Monitor is a tool to monitor hosts'
bandwidth usage in a Linux-NAT netw 
192 ntplg127.tbz 17-05-2004 21 Kb. 0
Netplug is a Linux daemon that manages 
193 19-04-2004 472 Kb. 0
Netrik is an advanced text mode WWW browser. Its
purpose is to give access  
194 nut912.tgz 14-03-2004 882 Kb. 0
nut is nutrition software to record what you eat
and analyze your meals for 
195 nut914.tgz 22-05-2004 883 Kb. 0
nut is nutrition software to record 
196 nut99.tgz 10-02-2004 882 Kb. 0
nut is nutrition software to record what you eat
and analyze your meals for 
197 nwss017.tgz 14-11-2003 193 Kb. 0
Newsstar fetches news and posts it to a local 
198 oooqs2.tgz 27-10-2003 567 Kb. 0 Quickstarter is a small 
application that runs in the KDE Sy 
199 op121.tgz 22-04-2004 35 Kb. 0
op allows fine-grained control of access to
super-user privileges through e 
200 op122.tgz 03-05-2004 35 Kb. 0
op allows fine-grained control of access to
super-user privileges through e 

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