File index of GN: Linux & Unix games

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
101 10-01-2001 26 Kb. 0
GCompris 0.3.4 DEB - GPLWare
GCompris is a simple education game. The
basic goal is to teach to children
starting at age 3 how to use a mouse and
Orig.: gcompris_0.3.4-1.deb 
102 12-07-2001 431 Kb. 0
seti_applet 0.4.1 - GPLWare The
seti_applet plugs into the GNOME panel
and displays the current status of any
running seti@home client. Orig.:
103 07-04-2001 388 Kb. 0
gno3dtet 1.6.3 - GPLWare
This is an excellent 3D top view Tetris
game for GNOME. It s difficult to control
at first but it is extremely challenging.
Orig.: gno3dtet-1.6.3-1.i386.rpm 
104 19-04-2001 249 Kb. 0
GnomerMind 0.9.0 - GPLWare
GnomerMind is a puzzle game for GNOME
based on both MasterMind and the game
Logic which is found on Nokia cellular
phones. If you ve played other GNOME
board games this one will look familiar.
The object is to place marbles on a board
in the correct order. However if you have
never played this game the lack of
instructions might be problematic.
Orig.: gnomermind-0.9.0-1.i386.rpm 
105 23-02-2001 326 Kb. 0
Solfege - GPLWare
Solfege is an ear training program for
Orig.: solfege- 
106 08-04-2001 232 Kb. 0
GnomerMind 0.8.1 - GPLWare
GnomerMind is a puzzle game for GNOME
based on both MasterMind and the game
Logic which is found on Nokia cellular
phones. If you ve played other GNOME
board games this one will look familiar.
The object is to place marbles on a board
in the correct order. If you have never
played this game the lack of instructions
doesn t make this very clear however.
Orig.: gnomermind-0.8.1-1.i386.rpm 
107 25-03-2001 214 Kb. 0
Gnomoku 1.1 pre1 - GPLWare
Gnomoku is a GTK-based Gomoku game for X.
It can be played either by two human
players using TCP/IP in a client/server
fashion or against a computer AI.
Orig.: gnomoku-1.1pre1.tar.gz 
108 28-03-2001 196 Kb. 0
GnomerMind 0.7.9 - GPLWare
GnomerMind is a puzzle game for GNOME
based on both MasterMind and the game
Logic which is found on Nokia cellular
phones. If you ve played other GNOME
board games this one will look familiar.
The object is to place marbles on a board
in the correct order. If you have never
played this game the lack of instructions
doesn t make this very clear however.
Orig.: gnomermind-0.7.9-1.i386.rpm 
109 12-03-2001 221 Kb. 0
GnomerMind 0.5.8 - GPLWare
GnomerMind is a puzzle game for GNOME
based on both MasterMind and the game
Logic which is found on Nokia cellular
phones. If you ve played other GNOME
board games this one will look familiar.
The object is to place marbles on a board
in the correct order. If you have never
played this game the lack of instructions
doesn t make this very clear however.
Orig.: gnomermind-0.5.8.tar.bz2 
110 01-05-2001 272 Kb. 0
Solfege 1.0.1 - GPLWare
Solfege is an ear training program for
Orig.: solfege-1.0.1-1.i386.rpm 
111 16-02-2001 88 Kb. 0
Gnome Breakout 0.5 - GPLWare
This is a clone of the classic arcade
game Breakout written for GNOME. It is
currently playable and has a very clean
look and feel.
Orig.: gnome-breakout-0.5-2.i386.rpm 
112 11-03-2001 306 Kb. 0
Solfege 0.7.32 - GPLWare
Solfege is an ear training program for
Orig.: solfege-0.7.33.tar.gz 
113 14-06-2001 407 Kb. 0
gnect 1.0.1 - GPLWare Gnect pronounced
guhnect is a four-in-a-row game for
GNOME. The goal is to line up four of
your counters horizontally vertically or
Orig.: gnect-1.0.1-1.i386.rpm 
114 12-07-2001 144 Kb. 0
seti_applet 0.4.1 - GPLWare The
seti_applet plugs into the GNOME panel
and displays the current status of any
running seti@home client. Orig.:
115 01-05-2001 316 Kb. 0
Solfege 1.0.1 - GPLWare
Solfege is an ear training program for
Orig.: solfege-1.0.1.tar.gz 
116 18-05-2001 402 Kb. 0
GnomerMind 1.0 Pre 3 - GPLWare
GnomerMind is a puzzle game for GNOME
based on both MasterMind and the game
Logic which is found on Nokia cellular
phones. If you ve played other GNOME
board games this one will look familiar.
The object is to place marbles on a board
in the correct order. However if you have
never played this game the lack of
instructions might be problematic.
Orig.: gnomermind-1.0pre3.tar.bz2 
117 25-06-2001 103 Kb. 0
GnoMAME 1.00 Beta 3 - GPLWare GnoMANE is
a simple Xmame front-end for GNOME.
Orig.: gnomame-1.00b3-1.i386.rpm 
118 11-05-2001 645 Kb. 0
GSnes9x 3.12 - GPLWare
GSnes9x is a GNOME front-end for the
Snes9X SNES emulator. It allows you to
set and preserve the options for a
particular ROM when running it and you
can set global options for new ROMs that
are being included.
Orig.: GSnes9x-3.12.tar.gz 
119 18-06-2001 109 Kb. 0
GNOME Chess 0.3.2 - GPLWare This is a
GNOME-based Chess game. Orig.:
120 11-03-2001 270 Kb. 0
GnomerMind 0.6.1 - GPLWare
GnomerMind is a puzzle game for GNOME
based on both MasterMind and the game
Logic which is found on Nokia cellular
phones. If you ve played other GNOME
board games this one will look familiar.
The object is to place marbles on a board
in the correct order. If you have never
played this game the lack of instructions
doesn t make this very clear however.
Orig.: gnomermind-0.6.1.tar.gz 
121 g7gn0322.tgz 02-12-1999 265 Kb. 0
gno3dtet 0.3.2 A 3D top view tetris game for
GNOME. Orig: gno3dtet-0.3.2
.tgz - distributed by TGM FileServer - 
122 19-02-2001 251 Kb. 0
Solfege 0.7.29 DEB - GPLWare
Solfege is an ear training program for
Orig.: solfege_0.7.29-1_i386.deb 
123 19-04-2001 375 Kb. 0
GnomerMind 0.9.0 - GPLWare
GnomerMind is a puzzle game for GNOME
based on both MasterMind and the game
Logic which is found on Nokia cellular
phones. If you ve played other GNOME
board games this one will look familiar.
The object is to place marbles on a board
in the correct order. However if you have
never played this game the lack of
instructions might be problematic.
Orig.: gnomermind-0.9.0.tar.bz2 
124 18-05-2001 307 Kb. 0
gno3dtet 1.6.4 - GPLWare
This is an excellent 3D top-view Tetris
game for GNOME. It s difficult to control
at first but it is extremely challenging.
Orig.: gno3dtet-1.6.4.tgz 
125 18-05-2001 257 Kb. 0
GnomerMind 1.0 Pre 3 - GPLWare
GnomerMind is a puzzle game for GNOME
based on both MasterMind and the game
Logic which is found on Nokia cellular
phones. If you ve played other GNOME
board games this one will look familiar.
The object is to place marbles on a board
in the correct order. However if you have
never played this game the lack of
instructions might be problematic.
Orig.: gnomermind-1.0pre3-1.i386.rpm 
126 18-06-2001 325 Kb. 0
Solfege 1.0.5 - GPLWare Solfege is an ear
training program for GNOME. Orig.:
127 11-05-2001 324 Kb. 0
Solfege 1.0.2 - GPLWare
Solfege is an ear training program for
Orig.: solfege-1.0.2.tar.gz 
128 07-04-2001 307 Kb. 0
gno3dtet 1.6.3 - GPLWare
This is an excellent 3D top view Tetris
game for GNOME. It s difficult to control
at first but it is extremely challenging.
Orig.: gno3dtet-1.6.3.tgz 
129 28-03-2001 315 Kb. 0
Solfege 0.7.37 Beta - GPLWare
Solfege is an ear training program for
Orig.: solfege-0.7.37.tar.gz 
130 11-05-2001 275 Kb. 0
Solfege 1.0.2 - GPLWare
Solfege is an ear training program for
Orig.: solfege-1.0.2-1.i386.rpm 
131 08-05-2001 328 Kb. 0
GBatalla Naval 1.0.1 - GPLWare
Batalla Naval is a networked BattleShip
game. It supports multiple players and
multiple robots at the same time. Clients
are available for GNOME GTK XView ncurses
and Win16. Servers are available for
GNOME and ncurses.
Orig.: gbatnav-1.0.1.tar.gz 
132 09-04-2001 681 Kb. 0
GSnes9x 3.11 - GPLWare
GSnes9x is a GNOME front-end for the
Snes9X SNES emulator. It allows you to
set and preserve the options for a
particular ROM when running it and to set
global options for new ROMs that are
being included.
Orig.: GSnes9x-3.11.tar.gz 
133 19-02-2001 253 Kb. 0
Solfege 0.7.29 RPM - GPLWare
Solfege is an ear training program for
Orig.: solfege-0.7.29-1.i386.rpm 
134 04-07-2001 325 Kb. 0
seti_applet 0.3.4 - GPLWare The
seti_applet plugs into the GNOME panel
and displays the current status of any
running seti@home client. Orig.:
135 09-03-2001 82 Kb. 0
GnomerMind 0.5.8 - GPLWare
GnomerMind is a puzzle game for GNOME
based on both MasterMind and the game
Logic which is found on Nokia cellular
phones. If you ve played other GNOME
board games this one will look familiar.
The object is to place marbles on a board
in the correct order. If you have never
played this game the lack of instructions
doesn t make this very clear however.
Orig.: gnomermind-0.5.8-1.i386.rpm 
136 25-03-2001 308 Kb. 0
GnomerMind 0.7.8 - GPLWare
GnomerMind is a puzzle game for GNOME
based on both MasterMind and the game
Logic which is found on Nokia cellular
phones. If you ve played other GNOME
board games this one will look familiar.
The object is to place marbles on a board
in the correct order. If you have never
played this game the lack of instructions
doesn t make this very clear however.
Orig.: gnomermind-0.7.8.tar.bz2 
137 11-04-2001 248 Kb. 0
GnomerMind 0.8.2 - GPLWare
GnomerMind is a puzzle game for GNOME
based on both MasterMind and the game
Logic which is found on Nokia cellular
phones. If you ve played other GNOME
board games this one will look familiar.
The object is to place marbles on a board
in the correct order. If you have never
played this game the lack of instructions
doesn t make this very clear however.
Orig.: gnomermind-0.8.2-1.i386.rpm 
138 23-06-2001 1260 Kb. 0
seti_applet 0.4.0 - GPLWare The
seti_applet plugs into the GNOME panel
and displays the current status of any
running seti@home client. Orig.:
139 04-07-2001 87 Kb. 0
seti_applet 0.3.4 - GPLWare The
seti_applet plugs into the GNOME panel
and displays the current status of any
running seti@home client. Orig.:
140 21-02-2001 529 Kb. 0
gnect 1.0.0 - GPLWare
Gnect pronounced guhnect is a
four-in-a-row game for GNOME. The goal is
to line up four of your counters
horizontally vertically or
Orig.: gnect-1.0.0.tar.gz 
141 11-05-2001 458 Kb. 0
GSnes9x 3.12-1 - GPLWare
GSnes9x is a GNOME front-end for the
Snes9X SNES emulator. It allows you to
set and preserve the options for a
particular ROM when running it and you
can set global options for new ROMs that
are being included.
Orig.: GSnes9x-3.12-1.i386.rpm 
142 10-06-2001 3078 Kb. 0
GCompris 0.6.1 - GPLWare GCompris is a
simple education game. The basic goal is
to teach children starting at age 3 how
to use a mouse and keybord. Orig.:
143 25-06-2001 307 Kb. 0
Solfege 1.1.2 - GPLWare Solfege is an ear
training program for GNOME. Orig.:
144 gagn1051.gz 26-12-1999 2372 Kb. 0
GnomeHack 1.0.5-1 - GPL GnomeHack is a
beautiful graphic version of the classic
dungeon crawl game NetHack in full color and
with real monsters and characters instead of
the old ASCII display. This one is a must
have. Orig: gnomehack_1.0.5-1.tar.gz - 
145 gaun1002.gz 06-12-1999 2422 Kb. 0
UNFAIR 1.0.0 UNFAIR is a simple strategy game
where you are either attacking or defending
planet. Attacking troops can ride together to
become stronger. Orig: UNFAIR-1.0.0.tar.gz -
distributed by TGM FileServer 
146 22-04-2001 324 Kb. 0
GBatalla Naval 0.99.7 - GPLWare
Batalla Naval is a networked BattleShip
game. It supports multiple players and
multiple robots at the same time. Clients
are available for GNOME GTK XView ncurses
and Win16. Servers are available for
GNOME and ncurses.
Orig.: gbatnav-0.99.7.tar.gz 
147 16-02-2001 210 Kb. 0
Gnome Breakout 0.5 - GPLWare
This is a clone of the classic arcade
game Breakout written for GNOME. It is
currently playable and has a very clean
look and feel.
Orig.: gnome-breakout-0.5.tar.gz 
148 11-05-2001 328 Kb. 0
Solfege 1.0.2 - GPLWare
Solfege is an ear training program for
Orig.: solfege-1.0.2-1.src.rpm 
149 01-05-2001 394 Kb. 0
GnomerMind 0.9.1 - GPLWare
GnomerMind is a puzzle game for GNOME
based on both MasterMind and the game
Logic which is found on Nokia cellular
phones. If you ve played other GNOME
board games this one will look familiar.
The object is to place marbles on a board
in the correct order. However if you have
never played this game the lack of
instructions might be problematic.
Orig.: gnomermind-0.9.1.tar.bz2 
150 04-07-2001 402 Kb. 0
GnomerMind 1.0.1 - GPLWare GnomerMind is
a puzzle game for GNOME based on both
MasterMind and the game Logic which is
found on Nokia cellular phones. If you ve
played other GNOME board games this one
will look familiar. The object is to
place marbles on a board in the correct
order. However if you have never played
this game the lack of instructions might
be problematic. Orig.:
151 01-05-2001 320 Kb. 0
Solfege 1.0.1 - GPLWare
Solfege is an ear training program for
Orig.: solfege-1.0.1-1.src.rpm 
152 18-05-2001 336 Kb. 0
gno3dtet 1.6.4 - GPLWare
This is an excellent 3D top-view Tetris
game for GNOME. It s difficult to control
at first but it is extremely challenging.
Orig.: gno3dtet-1.6.4-1.i386.rpm 
153 07-05-2001 3126 Kb. 0
GCompris 0.5.1 - GPLWare
GCompris is a simple education game. The
basic goal is to teach children starting
at age 3 how to use a mouse and keybord.
Orig.: gcompris-0.5.1.tgz 
154 15-05-2001 337 Kb. 0
Solfege 1.1.0 - GPLWare
Solfege is an ear training program for
Orig.: solfege-1.1.0.tar.gz 
155 28-03-2001 344 Kb. 0
GnomerMind 0.7.9 - GPLWare
GnomerMind is a puzzle game for GNOME
based on both MasterMind and the game
Logic which is found on Nokia cellular
phones. If you ve played other GNOME
board games this one will look familiar.
The object is to place marbles on a board
in the correct order. If you have never
played this game the lack of instructions
doesn t make this very clear however.
Orig.: gnomermind-0.7.9.tar.bz2 
156 10-06-2001 467 Kb. 0
GnomerMind 1.0 - GPLWare GnomerMind is a
puzzle game for GNOME based on both
MasterMind and the game Logic which is
found on Nokia cellular phones. If you ve
played other GNOME board games this one
will look familiar. The object is to
place marbles on a board in the correct
order. However if you have never played
this game the lack of instructions might
be problematic. Orig.:
157 19-02-2001 326 Kb. 0
Solfege 0.7.29 - GPLWare
Solfege is an ear training program for
Orig.: solfege-0.7.29.tar.gz 
158 18-05-2001 255 Kb. 0
GnomerMind 1.0 Pre 2 - GPLWare
GnomerMind is a puzzle game for GNOME
based on both MasterMind and the game
Logic which is found on Nokia cellular
phones. If you ve played other GNOME
board games this one will look familiar.
The object is to place marbles on a board
in the correct order. However if you have
never played this game the lack of
instructions might be problematic.
Orig.: gnomermind-1.0pre2-1.i386.rpm 
159 21-03-2001 311 Kb. 0
Solfege 0.7.35 Beta - GPLWare
Solfege is an ear training program for
Orig.: solfege-0.7.35.tar.gz 
160 17-04-2001 318 Kb. 0
Solfege 1.0.0 - GPLWare
Solfege is an ear training program for
Orig.: solfege-1.0.0.tar.gz 
161 04-07-2001 248 Kb. 0
GnomerMind 1.0.1 - GPLWare GnomerMind is
a puzzle game for GNOME based on both
MasterMind and the game Logic which is
found on Nokia cellular phones. If you ve
played other GNOME board games this one
will look familiar. The object is to
place marbles on a board in the correct
order. However if you have never played
this game the lack of instructions might
be problematic. Orig.:
162 12-07-2001 211 Kb. 0
Math Literature 0.0.1 - GPLWare Math
Literature is a part of Logical
Literature lolit which aims to teach
children ages 2-8 to calculate with
positive numbers. Orig.:
163 15-05-2001 274 Kb. 0
Solfege 1.0.3 - GPLWare
Solfege is an ear training program for
Orig.: solfege-1.0.3-1.i386.rpm 
164 gfgtrn04.gz 31-12-1999 157 Kb. 0
gtetrinet 0.4 - GPL GTetrinet is a clone of
the popular Windows game Tetrinet. It is
written for Gtk/GNOME and is designed to be
fully compatible with the original Tetrinet
as well as being identical in gameplay.
Orig: gtetrinet-0.4.tar.gz -distribution 
165 05-07-2001 634 Kb. 0
kastrolog 5.4-2a - GPLWare In addition to
the original s features kastrolog
provides better display and printing zone
info management multiple windows and
internationalization. Orig.:
166 05-07-2001 2880 Kb. 0
kastrolog 5.4-2a - GPLWare In addition to
the original s features kastrolog
provides better display and printing zone
info management multiple windows and
internationalization. Orig.:
167 k3kd1203.bz2 12-12-1999 2265 Kb. 0
KDE Games 19991203 - GPL This package
contains the games Solitaire Mahjongg
Abalone Asteroids Minesweeper Poker Reversi
SameGame Shisen-Sho Snake Race and Tetris.
Orig: kdegames-19991203.tarbz2
distributed by TGM FileServer 
168 22-04-2001 321 Kb. 0
KBattleship 0.5 - GPLWare
KBattleShip is a simple Battleship game
that is
Orig.: kbattleship_0.5-1_i386.deb 
169 08-05-2001 888 Kb. 0
Kmud 1.0 Beta 2 - GPLWare
Kmud is a free mud client for UNIX and
X11 that integrates in the KDE Desktop
Environment. It is a useful and
easy-to-use program for people who want a
nice graphical interface instead of a
simple Telnet for playing MUDs.
Orig.: kmud-1.0beta2.tar.gz 
170 21-05-2001 54 Kb. 0
KTron 2.1.1 - GPLWare
This is a remake of the classic Tron game
for KDE.
Orig.: ktron-2.1.1-1.i386.rpm 
171 30-06-2001 3730 Kb. 0
KEduca 0.4 - GPLWare KEduca makes it easy
to create your own computer-based tests.
The interface has support for both
multiple choice and short answer tests.
The database of questions and answers can
be publicly shared over the Internet.
Orig.: keduca-0.4.tar.gz 
172 08-05-2001 407 Kb. 0
kvoctrain 0.7.0 Pre 5 - GPLWare
This program helps you expand your
vocabulary based on your own dictionary.
Orig.: kvoctrain-0.7.0pre5.tar.bz2 
173 k6kd1124.bz2 04-12-1999 2259 Kb. 0
KDE Games 19991124 This package contains the
games Solitaire Mahjongg Abalone Asteroids
Minesweeper Poker Reversi ameGame Shisen-Sho
Snake Race and Tetris. Orig:
kdegames-19991124.tar.bz2 - distributed by
GM FileServer 
174 k6kp0324.tgz 26-12-1999 242 Kb. 0
Kpooka 0.3 - GPL Kpooka is a logic game for
Linux/KDE. It is a cross between Pengo and
Sokoban. Orig: kpooka-0.3.tgz-
distributed by TGM FileServer - 
175 16-02-2001 565 Kb. 0
KEduca 0.3 - GPLWare
KEduca makes it easy to create your own
computer-based tests. The interface has
support for both multiple choice and
short answer tests. The database of
questions and answers can be publicly
shared over the Internet.
Orig.: keduca-0.3.tar.gz 
176 11-03-2001 1342 Kb. 0
KDE Toys 2.1 - FreeWare
This program features interesting little
diversions for the K Desktop Environment.
Orig.: kdetoys-2.1.tar.bz2 
177 16-02-2001 75 Kb. 0
Kblackbox 2.1 beta 2 - GPLWare
This is a little logic game for the KDE
Orig.: kblackbox-2.1beta2-1.i386.rpm 
178 23-06-2001 456 Kb. 0
kvoctrain 0.7.0 Pre 6 - GPLWare This
program helps you expand your vocabulary
based on your own dictionary. Orig.:
179 kbblck02.gz 04-12-1999 594 Kb. 0
Black Penguin 0.2 Arcade style jump-on-cubes
game. Use your cursor keys to make the
penguin escape from the evil window and
gather credits by collecting the items on
the cubes. 16 levels. Runs under 11 with Qt
and/or KDE. Rendered graphics. No sound 
180 16-02-2001 565 Kb. 0
KEduca 0.3.0 - GPLWare
KEduca makes it easy to create your own
computer-based tests. The interface has
support for both multiple choice and
short answer tests. The database of
questions and answers can be publicly
shared over the Internet.
Orig.: keduca-0.3.0.tar.gz 
181 22-04-2001 471 Kb. 0
ktouch 0.91 - GPLWare
KTouch is a touch typing tutor with
levels and support
Orig.: ktouch-0.91.tar.gz 
182 10-06-2001 504 Kb. 0
ktouch 1.0 - GPLWare KTouch is a
touch-typing tutor with levels and
support Orig.: ktouch-1.0.tar.gz 
183 kcdgt015.gz 26-12-1999 160 Kb. 0
digit 0.1.5 - GPL A little board / strategy
game for KDE Orig: digit-0.1.5
.tar.gz - distributed by TGM FileServer - 
184 28-06-2001 264 Kb. 0
KMonop 0.1.0 - GPLWare This is a
multi-player Monopoly clone. Orig.:
185 16-02-2001 56 Kb. 0
KBlackjack 0.4 - GPLWare
This is a blackjack game for the K
Desktop Environment.
Orig.: kblackjack-0.4-1.i386.rpm 
186 kdkp0262.gz 26-12-1999 216 Kb. 0
KPacMan 0.2.6 - Free see home page for
details That s right Pac Man This one gets
extra points for being as close original as
have ever seen on this platform. There is
support for multiple game chemes including a
new scheme based on KDE. 
187 18-06-2001 961 Kb. 0
KDE Toys 2.2 Alpha 2 - FreeWare This
program features interesting little
diversions for the K Desktop Environment.
Orig.: kdetoys-2.2alpha2.tar.bz2 
188 28-06-2001 1254 Kb. 0
GNU Go 2.7.241 - GPLWare This software
was created in an attempt to distribute a
free program that allows users to play
Go. Orig.: gnugo-2.7.241.tar.gz 
189 17-04-2001 135 Kb. 0
wackyd 1.00 - GPLWare
WACKYD is a daemon that rotates the
keyboard lights in order from NUM LOCK to
serves no purpose other than to drive you
Orig.: wackyd-latest.tar.gz 
190 03-03-2001 1126 Kb. 0
GNU Go 2.7.220 - GPLWare
This software was created in an attempt
to distribute a free program that allows
users to play Go.
Orig.: gnugo-2.7.220.tar.gz 
191 12-07-2001 623 Kb. 0
Hatman - GPLWare Hatman is an
awesome Pacman clone that runs on SVGAlib
or ggi. It s taking a classic game and
enhancing it very much It will definitely
make your eyes pop. Orig.:
192 l27thcrc.tgz 04-11-2000 30 Kb. 0
193 l28rld11.gz 07-10-2000 372 Kb. 0
194 11-05-2001 1191 Kb. 0
GNU Go 2.7.232 - GPLWare
This software was created in an attempt
to distribute a free program that allows
users to play Go.
Orig.: gnugo-2.7.232.tar.gz 
195 26-03-2001 383 Kb. 0
196 21-05-2001 1209 Kb. 0
GNU Go 2.7.235 - GPLWare
This software was created in an attempt
to distribute a free program that allows
users to play Go.
Orig.: gnugo-2.7.235.tar.gz 
197 29-04-2001 1155 Kb. 0
GNU Go 2.7.229 Beta - GPLWare
This software was created in an attempt
to distribute a free program that allows
users to play Go.
Orig.: gnugo-2.7.229.tar.gz 
198 18-06-2001 737 Kb. 0
BSD Games 2.12 - GPLWare This is a
collection of most of the games from
NetBSD-Current. Orig.:
199 28-02-2001 174 Kb. 0
XQF 0.9.6f - GPLWare
XQF is Quake/QuakeWorld/Quake2 server
browser and launcher for Linux/X11.
Orig.: xqf-0.9.6f.tar.gz 
200 26-03-2001 3198 Kb. 0

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