The GUS Daily Digest Saturday, 23 December 1995 Volume 26 : Number 016 Today's Topics: Re: The SDKs DOS Patch editor connecting an IDE CD-ROM GUS's for sale Standard Info: - Meta-info about the GUS can be found at the end of the Digest. - Before you ask a question, please READ THE FAQ. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Clarke Brunt Date: Fri, 22 Dec 1995 10:07:49 GMT Subject: Re: The SDKs DOS Patch editor >Does _anyone_ have any clue how that damn thing works. It looks quite >powerful, but w/o decent directions I can't get it to _do_ anything! You mean PATCH.EXE? I played around with it a bit, and found it near incomprehensible, indeed, I never saw a proper explanation of what all the control bits in the header of a patch actually do. Anyway, I remember some basic instructions in patchkit.arj and, on the usual GUS archives in .../sound/patches/util. Some of the other stuff in there might be useful too. What do other people use to make patches if you want more control than PatchMaker Lite? What did Eero use to make PPLT - perhaps he told us, but I've forgotten? I've sometimes changed attack and decay rates in a hex editor, but find that this drives you mad after a while! - -- Clarke Brunt ------------------------------ From: Mike Godfrey Date: Fri, 22 Dec 1995 10:09:01 -0500 Subject: connecting an IDE CD-ROM Hi, I have a GUS "classic" (i.e. not MAX), 256K, etc etc and I'm looking to buy a new CD-ROM drive. The one I have now is a single-speed Mitsumi with proprietary interface. Having its own card meant that connected the CD-ROM audio out to the GUS line in was a breeze with an external connector. I realize that I need speical connector if I'm going to do serious recording, but really I just want playback for games, etc. So, ... what sort of cable do I need to connect an IDE CD-DROM drive to my GUS? Does the make matter? Will it come with the drive? Do I need to talk to Gravis? (I'm thinking of a quad speed Toshiba, since their specs seems slightly better than the others. Should I be considerng a different make for compatibility's sake?) Thanks for any pointers. Mike. ------------------------------ From: Colin Ritchie Date: Fri, 22 Dec 1995 09:27:53 -0800 Subject: GUS's for sale - ------ =_NextPart_000_01BAD054.076CA1A0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit >BTW, when was the last time you saw a GUS for sale? Unfortunately I haven't >seen one for quite a while in any of the electronics stores (Babbages, >Software Etc, Electronics Boutique, Fry's, Best Buy) that i've been to. (in >OC, LA, & the valley). what about you? Here, near my house in San Diego, California, USA, we have: Computer City: ~5 Max cards and ~7 ACE cards on the shelf Egghead: ~5 Max cards CompUSA: ~10 Max cards, ~3 ACE cards at last, that was what was on the shelf a few days ago when I was looking for an ACE for a friend. - ------ =_NextPart_000_01BAD054.076CA1A0 Content-Type: application/ms-tnef Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 eJ8+IhYRAQaQCAAEAAAAAAABAAEAAQeQBgAIAAAA5AQAAAAAAADoAAENgAQAAgAAAAIAAgABBJAG AEQBAAABAAAADAAAAAMAADADAAAACwAPDgAAAAACAf8PAQAAAFUAAAAAAAAAgSsfpL6jEBmdbgDd AQ9UAgAAAABndXMtZ2VuZXJhbEBhcG9sbG8uQ09TQy5HT1YAU01UUABndXMtZ2VuZXJhbEBhcG9s bG8uQ09TQy5HT1YAAAAAHgACMAEAAAAFAAAAU01UUAAAAAAeAAMwAQAAABwAAABndXMtZ2VuZXJh bEBhcG9sbG8uQ09TQy5HT1YAAwAVDAEAAAADAP4PBgAAAB4AATABAAAAHgAAACdndXMtZ2VuZXJh bEBhcG9sbG8uQ09TQy5HT1YnAAAAAgELMAEAAAAhAAAAU01UUDpHVVMtR0VORVJBTEBBUE9MTE8u Q09TQy5HT1YAAAAAAwAAOQAAAAALAEA6AQAAAAIB9g8BAAAABAAAAAAAAAPhPQEIgAcAGAAAAElQ TS5NaWNyb3NvZnQgTWFpbC5Ob3RlADEIAQSAAQAPAAAAR1VTJ3MgZm9yIHNhbGUAtQQBBYADAA4A AADLBwwAFgAJABsANQAFAFIBASCAAwAOAAAAywcMABYACQAWACgABQBAAQEJgAEAIQAAADg0NDQ3 MEQ0M0UzQ0NGMTE4RTMwNDQ0NTUzNTQwMDAwAM4GAQOQBgD4AwAAEgAAAAsAIwAAAAAAAwAmAAAA AAALACkAAAAAAAMANgAAAAAAQAA5AOCTYdOS0LoBHgBwAAEAAAAPAAAAR1VTJ3MgZm9yIHNhbGUA AAIBcQABAAAAFgAAAAG60JLTUNRwRIU8PhHPjjBERVNUAAAAAB4AHgwBAAAABQAAAFNNVFAAAAAA HgAfDAEAAAAXAAAAc3Ryb25nYndAY3Jhc2guY3RzLmNvbQAAAwAGEGL9qMADAAcQpgEAAB4ACBAB AAAAZQAAAEJUVyxXSEVOV0FTVEhFTEFTVFRJTUVZT1VTQVdBR1VTRk9SU0FMRT9VTkZPUlRVTkFU RUxZSUhBVkVOVFNFRU5PTkVGT1JRVUlURUFXSElMRUlOQU5ZT0ZUSEVFTEVDVFJPTkkAAAAAAgEJ EAEAAACIAgAAhAIAADUEAABMWkZ1EJC7x/8ACgEPAhUCqAXrAoMAUALyCQIAY2gKwHNldDI3BgAG wwKDMgPFAgBwckJxEeJzdGVtAoMzNwLkBxMCgzQERhMzMSB3CFUHsgKAfQqACM8J2TvxGA8yNTUC gAqBDbELYOBuZzEwMxRQCwoUUWUL8mMAQCA+G80TUG8FE9BjBUBCVFcsIKx3aAnwHrBhBCB0HtCe IAtgE8AfQAdxIHkIYAggc2EH4GEgR1UPBfACEAXAIHBsZT8gCCBVbiERdHVuYUET0Gx5IEkgEYB2 DQnwJwVACotsaTM2/x3RG+8c/x4FEbAe4QIgH3DxIRJxdWkT0CChHsADEJcfcAuAIKBuIoBvZh9D 7yJgHjEDYAMAYwQgE8AFsIkHkShCAaBiYWcHkF8eoAqHJI8lnx4FUykwdEMfEBgQIEV0Yx6gRV0p uUIIYB/gJ+BlHqBGaHJ5JytRQgeQHlF1XHkpH0EiQCiwJyLgIPZiJyIqcC4qwCjBK/8WQCcKhS0v HgVPQx6gTEH1HqAmH0N2B0AhcDHAMwDfHrEyEQGgMFEgIj8rjRVh5wvxIzwzfyBIBJAwsSdw9QrB bSKAaAhgEbAosgYRpCBECJBnbx6gQwdAdwaQBbADAGEeoCDgNtF3mx9wIsI6OlUIUG1wMGAlFrFD KAB5OiGgfjXhBdBheCBjCxEEIABwymRBUDcUsENFQcUCICUfQ3Me0GxmOlVFZ/JnHtBhZEE9P/k/ IUEy5xswQYgeoH4zQpg6VTpV/zIRH5IeoDHzHxI4Ax8SQ0rlIKFmB9FkYROwIKA+IE8etCKgHxIX oG9rC4BnfyEDA5FCok4TIQAIgUJALgs6VRcxAFBAAwAQEAEAAAADABEQAQAAAEAABzDgfwgZktC6 AUAACDDgfwgZktC6AR4APQABAAAAAQAAAAAAAACZEw== - ------ =_NextPart_000_01BAD054.076CA1A0-- ------------------------------ End of The GUS Daily Digest V26 #16 *********************************** To post to tomorrow's digest: To (un)subscribe or get help: To contact a human (last resort): FTP Sites Archive Directories --------- ------------------- Main N.American Site: pub/packages/gravis systems/ibmpc/ultrasound Main Asian Site: PC/ultrasound Main European Site: packages/ultrasound pub/ultrasound Main Australian Site: /ultrasound/general /ultrasound/submit South African Site: /pub/packages/ultrasound Submissions: pub/pc/ultrasound/submit Newly Validated Files: pub/pc/ultrasound Mirrors: mirror/ultrasound pc/ultrasound pub/msdos/ultrasound Gopher Sites Menu directory ------------ -------------- Main Site: packages/ultrasound WWW Pages --------- Main Site: Main European Site: Main Australian Site: Mirrors: GUS Digest Archives: MailServer For Archive Access: Email to Hints: - Get the FAQ from the FTP sites or the request server. - Mail to for info about other GUS related mailing lists (programmers, musicians, etc.).