; ; Path2Dot.INF ; ; Sets "Shrink Path To Dot = NO" in the NetWare DOS Requester ; section of Novell's Client 32 for Windows 95 registry ; settings. Uninstall simply removes this key altogether to ; allow reverting back to hardcoded default functionality. ; ; Note CLIENT32.NLM dated 11DEC96 or later is required for ; the Shrink Path To Dot configuration to be recognized. ; ; With "Shrink Path To Dot" set to "No", search drives will ; be added to a workstation's PATH environment variable using ; fully qualified path references, i.e. "Z:\PUBLIC" instead ; of "Z:.". This will make search drives work reliably under ; Windows 95 since the search drive is no longer dependant on ; the mapped drive's current directory. ; ; 23AUG97 - Alan Adams (Alan_Adams@compuserve.com) ; [version] signature="$CHICAGO$" [ShrinkDotInstall] CopyFiles = ShrinkDot.Files.Inf AddReg = ShrinkDot.Reg [DefaultInstall] CopyFiles = ShrinkDot.Files.Inf AddReg = ShrinkDot.Reg [DefaultUnInstall] DelFiles = ShrinkDot.Files.Inf DelReg = ShrinkDot.Reg [SourceDisksNames] 55="Path2Dot.INF File Location","",1 [SourceDisksFiles] Path2Dot.INF=55 [DestinationDirs] ShrinkDot.Files.Inf = 17 [ShrinkDot.Files.Inf] Path2Dot.INF [ShrinkDot.Reg] HKLM,%Uninstall%,DisplayName,,"%ShrinkDotName%" HKLM,%Uninstall%,UninstallString,,"%10%\rundll.exe setupx.dll,InstallHinfSection DefaultUninstall 132 %17%\Path2Dot.inf" HKLM,"%Requester%\Shrink Path To Dot",,,"No" [Strings] ShrinkDotName="Path2Dot - Shrink Path To Dot Registry Setting" Requester="Network\Novell\System Config\NetWare DOS Requester" Uninstall="Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Path2Dot"