File index of GFD: OS/2 graphical applications page 2

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
251 26-10-2002 44 Kb. 0
This is a special version of xscanimage.exe
compiled for OS/2 from the SANE 1.0.9 sources
which should work as gimp122-plugin. 
252 27-08-2006 415 Kb. 0
zgv 5.9 - copyright (C) 1993-2005 Russell Marks.
zgv is a picture viewer with a thumbnail-based
file selector. It's pretty featureful, and is
probably the best svgalib-based viewer. (It can
also be built to use SDL if you prefer.) Lots of
people have told me they like it, where "lots" =
"oh, it must be at least two or three", and you
can't ask for a more ringing endorsement than
that. Well, you could, but I'm not sure you'd
get it. :-) zgv supports most popular formats,
and allows panning and fit-to-screen methods of
viewing, slideshows, scaling, gamma adjustment,

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