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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
1 16-01-2001 148 Kb. 0
GE_Bad2 - v0.92 beta
Automatic new echomail area
creation programs.
No configuration needed; Requires
GEcho v1.20
Completely free for use in non-
commercial environments.
   --( Pythagoras Software )-- 
2 16-01-2001 715 Kb. 0
O/T-Track 2.80b. 
3 28-01-2001 9 Kb. 0
TAG International BBS List for 01/01 
4 06-10-2000 9 Kb. 0
TAG International BBS List for 10/00 
5 10-10-2001 1023 Kb. 0
GoldED+/EMX 1.1.5-1007 [snapshot]
GoldED+ is a successor of the
wellknown GoldED mail editor.
This snapshot is compiled by
Hiro Dudani (2:244/1512)
6 10-10-2001 968 Kb. 0
GoldED+/386 1.1.5-1007 [snapshot]
GoldED+ is a successor of the
wellknown GoldED mail editor.
This snapshot is compiled by
Mikael Karlsson (2:203/614)
on October 7th 2001
7 10-10-2001 707 Kb. 0
GoldED+/W32 1.1.5-1007 [snapshot]
GoldED+ is a successor of the
wellknown GoldED mail editor.
This snapshot is compiled by
Mikael Karlsson (2:203/614)
on October 7th 2001
8 21-10-2001 1028 Kb. 0
GoldED+/EMX 1.1.5-1017 [snapshot]
GoldED+ is a successor of the
wellknown GoldED mail editor.
This snapshot is compiled by
Hiro Dudani (2:244/1512)
9 21-10-2001 712 Kb. 0
GoldED+/W32 1.1.5-1017 [snapshot]
GoldED+ is a successor of the
wellknown GoldED mail editor.
This snapshot is compiled by
Mikael Karlsson (2:203/614)
on October 17th 2001
10 21-10-2001 974 Kb. 0
GoldED+/386 1.1.5-1017 [snapshot]
GoldED+ is a successor of the
wellknown GoldED mail editor.
This snapshot is compiled by
Mikael Karlsson (2:203/614)
on October 17th 2001

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