File index of MYS: Mystic v1.x mods mpl sources, etc.

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
1 20-06-2005 5 Kb. 0
-- description missing -- 
2 20-06-2005 5 Kb. 0
          \  ~  _\\       _\\        _\\     
\\[[_ \[\[[ _[[\\\_[[\_[[\2\\ \[\ [[\     [[[0
^[[[[[] ^[[2[[[[[] ^[[^[[2[[] ^[[[    
\\\\\[[[\[[ 0___\\\[[[  [[[]\\[[[  ___  012[[]
^[[[[[] ^[[[[[[[[]0^[[[[[[[[]0^[[210    [[[ 
[[[[[[  [[[[[[[[[  [[[[_[[[[  [[[ ~ ^[\ __[[__
__[[[[__ ____[[[[_ _____[[[[_ \[]
[[_______ ________   ________   ________[[  [[  
    0  < ACiDiC/MODDING > 0        [[  ^[]  
user suicide mpl for mystic bbs  ^[] 1 _[\  this
will allow them to remove  \[_ 1 20 \ _ their
account and will send an _ \ 02 \[_  email to
the sysop.  includes mpl   _[\  [[\ source. bbs      \[[        
        ______[_____    nt'81                   
3 21-10-2011 3 Kb. 0
[[     auto validator 1.1 mpl for mystic    ]]  
  ____/\__________________________/\____ ###
)__________       _______     _______( ### ####
__/    |    // _____|__      |   \__ #### .---//
     |   /          /   |  |      \---.
|::/_____       \____      \___|  |   ____\::|
|------- `------' - `------' - `--'---' -----| |
==== (d)EMONIC (b)BS (m)ODIFICATIONZZ ==== |
|--------------------------------------------| |
  auto validator for mystic that allows    | |  
auto validation of regular users and     | |    
 visiting sysops via a password        | |      
                                     | |     for
mystic 1.09+ / source included     |
`------->>by: netsurge/<<-------' 
4 06-01-2006 17 Kb. 0
   M Y S T I C  B B S  M P L
      master mind v1.03
 try to guess the 4 digit #
 combination the computer has
 picked randomly. this will
  keep score and crate a nice
  bulletin.  sorts 10 of the top
  highest players.  this mpl is
  the very first game out in mpl
  support bbs
  DoRE/demonic/ACiDiC release 
5 18-10-2011 4 Kb. 0
.g00r00_presents__________ _    :     :: :  \  
+ ,/ : :::  :  _ ____:_______/     / dEMONIC :  
   :: /           / pRODUCTIONZ _   :: /     }/ 
  /____________     : /      /    /         + ,/
     /      /    /    }/      / :   _
/___________/_     ______/  :   :     : : :: /  
         / ::  _  _: _ _____/____________/_   _ 
  _  :                                        
mpe add-on for mystic bbs v1.07   allows the
user to select their current   file base via
their arrow keys, using : a lightbar system. 
mpe source included 
6 18-10-2011 4 Kb. 0
.g00r00_presents__________ _    :     :: :  \  
+ ,/ : :::  :  _ ____:_______/     / dEMONIC :  
   :: /           / pRODUCTIONZ _   :: /     }/ 
  /____________     : /      /    /         + ,/
     /      /    /    }/      / :   _
/___________/_     ______/  :   :     : : :: /  
         / ::  _  _: _ _____/____________/_   _ 
  _  :                                        
mpe add-on for mystic bbs v1.07   allows the
user to select their current   file group via
their arrow keys, using : a lightbar system. 
mpe source included 
7 18-10-2011 4 Kb. 0
.g00r00_presents__________ _    :     :: :  \  
+ ,/ : :::  :  _ ____:_______/     / dEMONIC :  
   :: /           / pRODUCTIONZ _   :: /     }/ 
  /____________     : /      /    /         + ,/
     /      /    /    }/      / :   _
/___________/_     ______/  :   :     : : :: /  
         / ::  _  _: _ _____/____________/_   _ 
  _  :                                        
mpe add-on for mystic bbs v1.07   allows the
user to select their current   message base via
their arrow keys, using : a lightbar system. 
mpe source included 
8 18-10-2011 4 Kb. 0
.g00r00_presents__________ _    :     :: :  \  
+ ,/ : :::  :  _ ____:_______/     / dEMONIC :  
   :: /           / pRODUCTIONZ _   :: /     }/ 
  /____________     : /      /    /         + ,/
     /      /    /    }/      / :   _
/___________/_     ______/  :   :     : : :: /  
         / ::  _  _: _ _____/____________/_   _ 
  _  :                                        
mpe add-on for mystic bbs v1.07   allows the
user to select their current   message group via
their arrow keys, using : a lightbar system. 
mpe source included 
9 16-10-2011 6 Kb. 0
_~__~_____~__ 1 ___2_____~_~____~__~__~ 2
2[_[[_[\ 2\ 2[_2\ [[_[\ 2[_[\ 2[ 2\ 2 1 [[ [[
[[][[][[ ___[[\__ [[ 2_ [[ [[ 1 0 [[ [[ [[][[
___2[ [[ [2 [[     __[[ 0   2[ [[ [[ [2 [[ [[]2[
[[][[  0 2] [[ 0 2[ [[ [2 [2 [[ [2]2[ 2[][2 \ 
[[ [[ 0 1 2[ [2 [2\[2\2[\[2 2[\[2 [2]  _[2\[2 1
2  _ 1  2_ _2  2__   _2_   1  0 2__   2 ~~\2\~\
1 \ 0 \~\\\2\~\~\2\\~\2\\~\\\\~ ;  1    0       
  1     1            ; !  0 mystic bbs.scene
global onelinerz: :                             
       } [   read/write to the   :
!    global onelinerz. linux only!    ; :      
for mystic/linux 1.08+        |
10 05-11-2012 8 Kb. 0
*==----------------------------------==* :      
     Gryphons Greed            : |           A
Mystic BBS MPL           | :          File:
GY-GRD10.ZIP          :
*==----------------------------------==* : This
is a Mystic BBS 1.10+ MPL game  : | Clear the
board by eating all the    | :   colored numbers
on the screen.     :  |   An addictive, simple,
one-minute   | :    game that will keep your
users    : |         occupied and happy.        
 | *==----------------------------------==* :   
  A Cyberia BBS Production        : |      By
Darryl Perry, 09/2012        | :   
telnet://     :
11 29-11-2012 4 Kb. 0
*==----------------------------------==* :      
 PARSENL and NODESEARCH        : |           A
Mystic BBS MPL           | :          File:
GY-NDS.ZIP            :
*==----------------------------------==* :    A
Mystic BBS 1.10+ MPL utility    | | NodeSearch
allows you and your users : : to search any
fidonet-style nodelist | | Search by Sysop name,
BBS name, Node : :      Number, or any desired
text     |
*==----------------------------------==* :     
A Cyberia BBS Production        : |      By
Darryl Perry, 11/2012        | :   
telnet://     :
12 22-07-2016 9 Kb. 0
Bbs List Admin Manager is a Mystic BBS MPL. BLAM
is a full-featured BBS List app for Mystic
1.12a29 or greater. Drop-in Replace- ment BBS
List app. Full-Screen, Light-Bar  Driven. Not
only can you Add and Verify  entries, but now
the owner (or sysop) can  Edit or Delete an
entry. Sysop Configurable. Sysop can choose the
style and colors of the display. Use BLAM to
telnet to other BBSes!  Darryl Perry,
13 20-06-2005 12 Kb. 0
:          Mystic Leech v1.0           :
|           A Mystic BBS MPL           |
|          File: GY-LCH10.ZIP          |
: Full Game of Leech in Mystic BBS MPL :
: Works on all platforms of Mystic BBS :
:      A Cyberia BBS Production        :
|      By Darryl Perry, 10/2003        |
:    telnet://     :
14 14-11-2012 21 Kb. 0
*==----------------------------------==* :      
   Mystic Leech v2.0           : |           A
Mystic BBS MPL           | |          File:
GY-LCH20.ZIP          |
*==----------------------------------==* : Full
Game of Leech in Mystic BBS MPL : : Works on all
platforms of Mystic BBS : :   Includes 1.09 and
1.10 versions    :
*==----------------------------------==* :     
A Cyberia BBS Production        : |     By
Darryl Perry, 2003-2012       | :   
telnet://     :
15 20-06-2005 3 Kb. 0
:     Message to Other Nodes v1.0      :
|           A Mystic BBS MPL           |
|          File: GY-MTON1.ZIP          |
: Replacement script for the 'NS' or   |
| "Send Message to another node" cmd.  :
| This sends a message ONLY to all the :
: OTHER active nodes, and not the one  :
| that issued the command.  Great for  :
: loggon and loggoff announcements to  |
| other nodes without sending it to    :
: that callers node.  Source inclded.  |
:       A Cyberia BBS Production       :
|       By Darryl Perry, 10/2003       |
:    telnet://     :
16 20-06-2005 3 Kb. 0
:        New FileBase List v1.0        :
|           A Mystic BBS MPL           |
|          File: GY-NFB10.ZIP          |
: Display a list of Mystic BBS File    :
| bases that have been created since   |
: the callers' last call to the BBS.   :
:      A Cyberia BBS Production        :
|      By Darryl Perry, 10/2003        |
:    telnet://     :
17 20-06-2005 3 Kb. 0
:        New MsgBase List v1.0         :
|           A Mystic BBS MPL           |
|          File: GY-NMB10.ZIP          |
: Display a list of Mystic BBS Message :
| bases that have been created since   |
: the callers' last call to the BBS.   :
| Works for either JAM or Squish Msg-  |
: base formats.
:      A Cyberia BBS Production        :
|      By Darryl Perry, 10/2003        |
:    telnet://     :
18 20-06-2005 3 Kb. 0
:          Raw Dir List v1.0           :
|           A Mystic BBS MPL           |
|          File: GY-RDL10.ZIP          |
|   A Mystic BBS Sysop Utility MPL     :
: View the raw directory listings in   |
| your currently selected Mystic BBS   :
: download file bases.  Use it to see  :
| if your files in your directory match|
: what is listed in your file listings.:
:      A Cyberia BBS Production        :
|      By Darryl Perry, 10/2003        |
:    telnet://     :
19 28-07-2016 7 Kb. 0
20 20-06-2005 1 Kb. 0
:  Selective Log On (SLO) v1.0  :
|       A Mystic BBS MPL        |
: Allows your Mystic BBS callers:
| to define for themselves what |
| they wish to see during the   |
: Logon process.                :
:   A Cyberia BBS Production    :
|  By Darryl Perry, (c) 10/2003 |
: telnet:// :
21 20-06-2005 3 Kb. 0
:          Who Is Online v1.1          :
|           A Mystic BBS MPL           |
|          File: GY-WHO11.ZIP          |
: Replacement script for the Mystic    :
| 'Who Is Online' function.  This mpl  |
| shows the listings in a 2 column     |
| format, instead of just one.  Full   |
: source code included.                :
: Update: Adds increased portability   :
| for multiple platforms               |
:      A Cyberia BBS Production        :
|      By Darryl Perry, 10/2003        |
:    telnet://     :
22 09-09-2012 4 Kb. 0
_~__~_____~__ 1 ___2_____~_~____~__~__~ 2
2[_[[_[\ 2\ 2[_2\ [[_[\ 2[_[\ 2[ 2\ 2 1 [[ [[
[[][[][[ ___[[\__ [[ 2_ [[ [[ 1 0 [[ [[ [[][[
___2[ [[ [2 [[     __[[ 0   2[ [[ [[ [2 [[ [[]2[
[[][[  0 2] [[ 0 2[ [[ [2 [2 [[ [2]2[ 2[][2 \ 
[[ [[ 0 1 2[ [2 [2\[2\2[\[2 2[\[2 [2]  _[2\[2 1
2  _ 1  2_ _2  2__   _2_   1  0 2__   2 ~~\2\~\
1 \ 0 \~\\\2\~\~\2\\~\2\\~\\\\~ ;  1    0       
  1     1            ; !  0 mystic/lnx telnet.d
replacement  : :                v1.2            
    } [   faster replacement for telnet.d   : ! 
for mystic linux. passes hostname  ; |      and
ip for proper logging.     ! [    sample xinet.d
config included   | ;                           
         : :       for mystic/linux 1.10+       
| `-------------------------------------' 
23 09-09-2012 5 Kb. 0
_~__~_____~__ 1 ___2_____~_~____~__~__~ 2
2[_[[_[\ 2\ 2[_2\ [[_[\ 2[_[\ 2[ 2\ 2 1 [[ [[
[[][[][[ ___[[\__ [[ 2_ [[ [[ 1 0 [[ [[ [[][[
___2[ [[ [2 [[     __[[ 0   2[ [[ [[ [2 [[ [[]2[
[[][[  0 2] [[ 0 2[ [[ [2 [2 [[ [2]2[ 2[][2 \ 
[[ [[ 0 1 2[ [2 [2\[2\2[\[2 2[\[2 [2]  _[2\[2 1
2  _ 1  2_ _2  2__   _2_   1  0 2__   2 ~~\2\~\
1 \ 0 \~\\\2\~\~\2\\~\2\\~\\\\~ ;  1    0       
  1     1            ; !  0 mystic/lnx telnet.d
replacement  : :                v1.3            
    } [   faster replacement for telnet.d   : ! 
for mystic linux. passes hostname  ; |      and
ip for proper logging.     ! [    sample xinet.d
config included   | ;                           
         : :       for mystic/linux 1.10+       
| `-------------------------------------' 
24 20-09-2012 5 Kb. 0
_~__~_____~__ 1 ___2_____~_~____~__~__~ 2
2[_[[_[\ 2\ 2[_2\ [[_[\ 2[_[\ 2[ 2\ 2 1 [[ [[
[[][[][[ ___[[\__ [[ 2_ [[ [[ 1 0 [[ [[ [[][[
___2[ [[ [2 [[     __[[ 0   2[ [[ [[ [2 [[ [[]2[
[[][[  0 2] [[ 0 2[ [[ [2 [2 [[ [2]2[ 2[][2 \ 
[[ [[ 0 1 2[ [2 [2\[2\2[\[2 2[\[2 [2]  _[2\[2 1
2  _ 1  2_ _2  2__   _2_   1  0 2__   2 ~~\2\~\
1 \ 0 \~\\\2\~\~\2\\~\2\\~\\\\~ ;  1    0       
  1     1            ; !  0 mystic/lnx telnet.d
replacement  : :                v1.4            
    } [   faster replacement for telnet.d   : ! 
for mystic linux. passes hostname  ; |      and
ip for proper logging.     ! [    sample xinet.d
config included   | ;                           
         : :       for mystic/linux 1.10+       
| `-------------------------------------' 
25 20-06-2005 15 Kb. 0
:          Murder Mansion v1.0         :
|           A Mystic BBS MPL           |
: This is a Mystic MPL of the classic  :
| BBS game by the same  name.  This is |
| This is a fully functional game, and |
| is usable for all platforms of the   |
| Mystic 1.x BBS package.  MPL source  |
: Included                             :
:      A Cyberia BBS Production        :
|      By Darryl Perry, 10/2003        |
:    telnet://     :
26 07-11-2011 6 Kb. 0
[[ mystic php library 1.1/netsuge ]]
1\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\2 22 \\
_______[ \ ________[________[[ [_  [\[\[[[[\ ~^[
\[[\[[ \\__ \[[\ [  \[\[_[[\  [[]
^[^[__[[[][[[2^[[[[ ^[[[[ [[   ^]__2[] 
^[_[[^[[[[_ [\ [[_ 2 [[   ^    1 _~\_[   ^[
[[fil []  1 []   ^    0    __   ^2 [] ^]  0
[]\\~_               1 []  _\   [_              
      ^]    _~_                        __~ >> a
set of php functions to access >> mystic's data
files in order to >> display information like
last >> callers, system stats, node stats >> and
the user list on your web >> site. requires
mystic 1.09+ and >> a web server that supports
php >> >>   by 
27 09-11-2011 8 Kb. 0
[0;0;40;37m[[ mystic php library 1.2/netsuge ]]
1\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\2 22 \\
_______[ \ ________[________[[ [_  [\[\[[[[\ ~^[
\[[\[[ \\__ \[[\ [  \[\[_[[\  [[]
^[^[__[[[][[[2^[[[[ ^[[[[ [[   ^]__2[] 
^[_[[^[[[[_ [\ [[_ 2 [[   ^    1 _~\_[   ^[
[[fil []  1 []   ^    0    __   ^2 [] ^]  0
[]\\~_[15C1 []  _\   [_[21C^]    _~_[24C__~ >> a
set of php functions to access >> mystic's data
files in order to >> display information like
last >> callers, system stats, node stats >>
oneliners and the user list on >> the web.
requires mystic 1.09+ >> & web server that
supports php >> >>   by 
28 07-09-2012 9 Kb. 0
[7h[0;40;37m[?33h[[ mystic php library
1.3/netsuge ]]
1\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\2 22 \\
_______[ \ ________[________[[ [_  [\[\[[[[\ ~^[
\[[\[[ \\__ \[[\ [  \[\[_[[\  [[]
^[^[__[[[][[[2^[[[[ ^[[[[ [[   ^]__2[] 
^[_[[^[[[[_ [\ [[_ 2 [[   ^    1 _~\_[   ^[
[[fil []  1 []   ^    0    __   ^2 [] ^]  0
[]\\~_[15C1 []  _\   [_[21C^]    _~_[24C__~ >> a
set of php functions to access >> mystic's data
files in order to >> display information like
last >> callers, system stats, node stats >>
oneliners and the user list on >> the web.
requires mystic 1.10 a18 >> & web server that
supports php >> >>   by 
29 16-10-2011 2 Kb. 0
_~__~_____~__ 1 ___2_____~_~____~__~__~ 2
2[_[[_[\ 2\ 2[_2\ [[_[\ 2[_[\ 2[ 2\ 2 1 [[ [[
[[][[][[ ___[[\__ [[ 2_ [[ [[ 1 0 [[ [[ [[][[
___2[ [[ [2 [[     __[[ 0   2[ [[ [[ [2 [[ [[]2[
[[][[  0 2] [[ 0 2[ [[ [2 [2 [[ [2]2[ 2[][2 \ 
[[ [[ 0 1 2[ [2 [2\[2\2[\[2 2[\[2 [2]  _[2\[2 1
2  _ 1  2_ _2  2__   _2_   1  0 2__   2 ~~\2\~\
1 \ 0 \~\\\2\~\~\2\\~\2\\~\\\\~ ;  1    0       
  1     1            ; !  0 mystic/lnx bbs-scene
random ansi : :                                 
   } [   display a random ansi image at    : ! 
logoff from the bbs  ; |       
list.  linux only!           ! :       for
mystic/linux 1.08+        |

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