File index of MYS: Programming libraries for Door32 rel.

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1 20-06-2005 65 Kb. 0
D32 Version 04 : A freeware BBS door library
for Turbo Pascal, Virtual Pascal, and/or
Free Pascal (with source code).  Allows easy
development of doors for multiple operating
systems.  D32 is capable of compiling native
DOS, Windows, OS/2 and Linux versions of your
door all from the same source code!  D32 also
supports the Door32 standard allowing your
doors to work over both dialup and telnet
sessions.  Supports 4 major drop file types,
pipe color codes, arrow key input, ANSI,
FOSSIL I/O in DOS and native serial/socket
I/O in 32-bit versions. Unzip with -D option
2 20-06-2005 70 Kb. 0
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_|       |______|       ______|
\_______.| %%% \_______.| %%%%%%
  . % xtreme doorkit v3.01 % .
 tp/vp pascal door kit w/source
 compiles native dos/win32/os2
 supports the door32 standard
 % door32 by g00r00 / demonic %
..  % by natedogg / demonic % ..
] %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% [ 

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