Xplanet version 1.2.2 2011 Xplanet was inspired by Xearth, which renders an image of the earth into the X root window.
Xplanet can also render images of the other planets and some satellites. Xplanet was inspired by Xearth, which renders an image of the earth into the X root window. All of the major planets and most satellites can be drawn, similar to the Solar System Simulator. A number of different map projections are also supported, including azimuthal, Lambert, Mercator, Mollweide, orthographic, and rectangular. Xplanet is free software, distributed according to the terms of the GNU General Public License. I've compiled and run Xplanet successfully on i386 GNU/Linux systems, Sparc Solaris, FreeBSD, and Microsoft Windows under the Cygwin environment. Xplanet runs under Darwin and X windows as well as under Mac OS X with Aqua.