File index of ECF: Official releases of Ezycom bbs files

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
1 30-12-2007 7 Kb. 0
Node Application Form To Join EZYNET 
2 e200_d16.arj 07-03-2003 965 Kb. 0
  * Ezycom BBS v2.00 Shareware Release *
 Fully Fidonet Compatable Message Base.
 With Builtin Echomail and Netmail Tossers
 Supports RIP, Avatar, Ansi & Ascii Graphic
 Emulations. And Much Much More...
3 e200_os2.arj 07-03-2003 507 Kb. 0
  * Ezycom BBS v2.00 Shareware Release *
 Fully Fidonet Compatable Message Base.
 With Builtin Echomail and Netmail Tossers
 Supports RIP, Avatar, Ansi & Ascii Graphic
 Emulations. And Much Much More...
4 02-09-2007 1209 Kb. 0
Ezycom BBS Package V2.15g0
Gamma Version : Registered Users Only 
5 e_v215g1.exe 04-03-2010 1229 Kb. 0
Ezycom v2.15g1. Registered SySops ONLY! 
6 30-12-2007 3 Kb. 0
Info file for ECF_FDN:
the *NEW* Ezycom File Distribution Network
contact: Patrick Vittori, 1:114/635
or email at:
[Updated: Dec 30, 2007] 
7 ezy200-1.arj 07-03-2003 1112 Kb. 0
  * Ezycom BBS v2.00 Shareware Release *
 Fully Fidonet Compatable Message Base.
 With Builtin Echomail and Netmail Tossers
 Supports RIP, Avatar, Ansi & Ascii Graphic
 Emulations. And Much Much More.....
8 ezy200-2.arj 07-03-2003 1205 Kb. 0
  * Ezycom BBS v2.00 Shareware Release *
 Fully Fidonet Compatable Message Base.
 With Builtin Echomail and Netmail Tossers
 Supports RIP, Avatar, Ansi & Ascii Graphic
 Emulations. And Much Much More.....

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