File index of CHS: Recorders, readers & other utils

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
1 14-08-2000 163 Kb. 0
CHESS COMMENTATOR 1.1 -- Reads/writes
PGN files, records moves, lets you set up
positions.  DOS. 
2 24-03-2000 508 Kb. 0
DBSCHESS version 1.9e(16 bit) / 2.0f(32 bit)
Records the moves & *all* your analysis of a
correspondence chess game.  Requires Windows
3.1 & 386 processor minimum.  Algebraic and
International notation.  4 language options.
PGN compatible, reads *.PGN collection files.
E-mail & other input/output.  ECO identified.
Unzip with -D -N in a new subdirectory.
1.9e free.  See
David B Sugden : 
3 20-05-2000 17 Kb. 0
NEWCBI --  A tool to recover chess databases
in .cbf format, whose index file
(.cbi file) is corrupted. 
4 31-05-2000 15 Kb. 0
Two Microsoft Word (97) files -- chess
scoresheets, suitable for printing &
tournament use. 

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